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《C#中的函数式编程》是一本实用教程,专为熟练掌握C#但没有函数式编程(FP)经验的开发者编撰。作者Enrico Buonanno,拥有丰富的计算机科学背景和15年开发、架构和培训经验,将函数式思维应用到实际问题中,引导读者通过C#语言理解和实践FP。 本书的核心内容涵盖了以下几个方面: 1. **函数式编程基础**:介绍了函数式编程的基本原则,包括在C#中可用的函数式特性,如高阶函数的运用,让读者了解如何利用这些功能来编写可读且团队协作友好的代码。 2. **纯函数与副作用**:讨论了函数的纯洁性(无副作用)以及其对并发编程、测试性的影响。纯洁性有助于提升代码的可靠性和维护性。 3. **函数签名设计**:讲解了函数签名的表示和设计技巧,以及类型设计,比如使用Option类型处理可能的缺失值。 4. **核心函数的使用**:深入剖析Map、Bind、ForEach和Where等核心函数,区分常规类型与提升类型,并展示它们如何编码工作流程和构建完整的应用程序流程。 5. **错误处理**:探讨了函数式错误处理方法,如 Either 类型用于表示结果的两种可能性,以及 Exceptional 和 Validation 类型的应用。 6. **部分应用与柯里化**:介绍如何模块化和组合应用程序,通过 Aggregate 函数实现。 7. **多参数函数与 Elevated 类型**:探讨 Apply 函数和 LINQ 查询模式,这些工具对于处理多个参数和复杂查询至关重要。 8. **状态、身份与变化**:讲解了不可变类型的概念及其在数据结构中的应用,以及如何处理状态、身份和变化管理。 9. **持久化与事件源**:探讨了不可变、只读持久化的概念,以及事件驱动的架构,如事件 sourcing 的理论和实现。 10. **惰性计算与单调组合**:介绍如何利用懒计算技术,通过组合函数来创建更复杂的计算逻辑,以及 continuations 的运用。 11. **状态ful 程序**:虽然这本书主要关注 FP,但也触及了状态ful 计算,让读者理解这两种编程范式的界限和融合之处。 《C#中的函数式编程》不仅教授理论知识,还提供了大量实践案例,使读者能够逐步掌握这一编程范式,并将其应用于日常项目中,从而提高代码的组织性、可读性和长期维护性。通过购买印刷版书籍,读者还将获得免费的电子书资源,包括PDF、Kindle和ePub格式。
2012-06-11 上传
Take advantage of the growing trend in functional programming. C# is the number-one language used by .NET developers and one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It has many built-in functional programming features, but most are complex and little understood. With the shift to functional programming increasing at a rapid pace, you need to know how to leverage your existing skills to take advantage of this trend. Functional Programming in C# leads you along a path that begins with the historic value of functional ideas. Inside, C# MVP and functional programming expert Oliver Sturm explains the details of relevant language features in C# and describes theory and practice of using functional techniques in C#, including currying, partial application, composition, memoization, and monads. Next, he provides practical and versatile examples, which combine approaches to solve problems in several different areas, including complex scenarios like concurrency and high-performance calculation frameworks as well as simpler use cases like Web Services and business logic implementation. Shows how C# developers can leverage their existing skills to take advantage of functional programming Uses very little math theory and instead focuses on providing solutions to real development problems with functional programming methods, unlike traditional functional programming titles Includes examples ranging from simple cases to more complex scenarios Let Functional Programming in C# show you how to get in front of the shift toward functional programming.
2017-04-28 上传