第 42 卷 第 9 期
2015 年 9 月
Vol. 42, No. 9
September, 2015
中 国 激 光
基于广义 Whittaker 平滑器的拉曼光谱基线校正方法
杨桂燕 李 路 陈 和
陈思颖 张寅超 郭 磐
北京理工大学光电学院, 北京 100081
摘要 拉曼光谱的频率、强度及偏振特性表征散 射物质的独特性质,是研究物质结构及组成成分的 特征光谱,因而
得到 了广泛应用 。但是,基线漂移现象 会给拉曼光 谱的定量分 析带来不利 影响。为了 校正拉曼光 谱基线漂移 ,提
出了一种结合导 数 谱 峰 检 测 与 Whittaker 平 滑 器 的 基 线 校 正 算 法。利用拉曼二阶导 数 光 谱 检 测 并 标 定谱峰区域;
Whittaker 平 滑器结合标 定信息计算 非谱峰区域 的拟合曲线 ,并同时 对谱峰区 域 进行平滑 插值,最终得到整个 光谱
的基 线估计。将 该算法应用 于模拟和实 际拉曼光谱 进行基线校 正,结果表 明,算法 可以同时实 现光谱去噪 与基线
关键词 光谱学; 基线校正; Whittaker 平滑器; 拉曼光谱; 二阶导数谱; 主成分分析
中图分类号 O433.4 文献标识码 A
doi: 10.3788/CJL201542.0915003
Baseline Correction Method for Raman Spectra Based on Generalized
Whittaker Smoother
Yang Guiyan Li Lu Chen He Chen Siying Zhang Yinchao Guo Pan
School of Opto-Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
Abstract Raman spectrum is the characteristic spectrum for material structure and composition research as its
frequency, intensity and polarization can characterize the peculiar properties of the scatterer, and thus it has been
widely applied in many fields. However, the baseline drifting often occurs in the Raman spectrum and adversely
affects its quantitative analysis. In order to eliminate the baseline drifting, a correction algorithm is presented, which
combines the peak detection method based on derivative spectrum and the Whittaker smoother for baseline
estimation. The spectral peak region is detected and identified utilizing the second derivatives. Then the Whittaker
smoother calculates the curve fitting of the non- peak region combining the identification information, and
interpolates the peak region baseline smoothly at the same time. The whole baseline estimation of the spectrum
is obtained. The algorithm has been applied to simulated and actual Raman signals to correct the baseline drifting.
The results show that the algorithm realizes spectral denoising and baseline estimation simultaneously. The
improved analytical results of principal component analysis also verify its effect.
Key words spectroscopy; baseline correction; Whittaker smoother; Raman spectra; second derivative spec ⁃
tra; principal component analysis
OCIS codes 300.6450; 200.4560; 300.2530
收稿日期: 2015-04-13; 收到修改稿日期: 2015-05-07
基金项目: 总装预研基金(513210604)
作者简介: 杨桂燕(1989—),女,硕士研究生,主要从事激光光谱技术方面的研究。E-mail: xgy0910yi@163.com
导师简介: 张寅超(1962—),男,博士,教授,主要从事激光雷达技术和激光光谱技术等方面的研究。
E-mail: ychang@bit.edu.cn
*通信联系人。E-mail: shinianshao@gmail.com
1 引 言
然而,在光谱采集过程中由于 样品粒 度、环境温度、外界振 动以及 仪器自身工作状况的影 响,拉曼光谱仪测