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In the document "The Future of Cardless Fraud," written by Tim Yunusov, a senior expert in banking security at PT Security, the author discusses the potential risks and vulnerabilities associated with cardless transactions. Yunusov highlights the increasing popularity of cardless payment methods, such as mobile banking and contactless payments, and the potential for fraud and security breaches in these systems. Yunusov's expertise in online banking, mobile banking, and core banking applications allows him to delve deep into the technical aspects of cardless fraud. He has conducted numerous analyses on ATM security, including popular systems like PayPass and payWave, and is constantly researching and staying updated on the latest trends in banking security. The author emphasizes the importance of vigilance and proactive measures in securing cardless payment systems. He points out the various attack vectors that fraudsters can exploit, such as malware injections, man-in-the-middle attacks, and social engineering tactics. Yunusov provides valuable insights on how financial institutions and consumers can protect themselves from these threats through encryption, authentication mechanisms, and continuous monitoring. Overall, Tim Yunusov's paper serves as a wake-up call for the banking industry and the general public to be aware of the potential risks posed by cardless transactions. By staying informed and taking necessary precautions, we can mitigate the risks of fraud and ensure the security of our financial transactions in the digital age.

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2023-05-29 上传

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-293-c58e4e7a6b05> in <module> 3 ,'tianchuang_dafu_score','tencent_anti_fraud_v4_score']) 4 out_vardf,out_bindf = DDViz.out_all_in_one(train_all_df,inputx=inputx,y=y,dt='apply_date',dt_cut=1,miss_values=[-99],score_cut=20 ----> 5 , method='optb',output_path='data/out_all_in_one_report_0530_v1.xlsx') 6 out_bindf ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\py36\lib\site-packages\DDViz\DDViz.cp36-win_amd64.pyd in DDViz.out_all_in_one() ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\py36\lib\site-packages\DDViz\DDViz.cp36-win_amd64.pyd in DDViz.full_describe() ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\py36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\generic.py in __setattr__(self, name, value) 5190 try: 5191 object.__getattribute__(self, name) -> 5192 return object.__setattr__(self, name, value) 5193 except AttributeError: 5194 pass pandas/_libs/properties.pyx in pandas._libs.properties.AxisProperty.__set__() ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\py36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\generic.py in _set_axis(self, axis, labels) 688 689 def _set_axis(self, axis, labels): --> 690 self._data.set_axis(axis, labels) 691 self._clear_item_cache() 692 ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\py36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals\managers.py in set_axis(self, axis, new_labels) 181 raise ValueError( 182 "Length mismatch: Expected axis has {old} elements, new " --> 183 "values have {new} elements".format(old=old_len, new=new_len) 184 ) 185 ValueError: Length mismatch: Expected axis has 2 elements, new values have 7 elements

2023-05-31 上传