matlab givens qr分解代码
时间: 2023-08-23 10:17:41 浏览: 161
The Givens QR factorization is a method for computing the QR decomposition of a matrix using Givens rotations. In Matlab, the `qr` function can be used to compute the QR factorization, but it uses a different algorithm that is more efficient for dense matrices. However, here is an example code for computing the Givens QR factorization using planerot function:
function [Q, R] = givens_qr(A)
% Computes the QR factorization of matrix A using Givens rotations
[m, n] = size(A);
R = A;
% Initialize Q as an identity matrix
Q = eye(m);
% Compute the Givens QR factorization
for j = 1:n
for i = m:-1:(j+1)
% Compute the Givens rotation matrix
[c, s] = planerot(R(i-1,j), R(i,j));
G = eye(m);
G(i-1:i, i-1:i) = [c -s; s c];
% Apply the Givens rotation to R and Q
R = G' * R;
Q = Q * G;
This code computes the Givens QR factorization of a matrix `A` using nested loops to apply Givens rotations to the input matrix `A` to obtain the upper triangular matrix `R`, and accumulate the product of the Givens rotation matrices into an orthogonal matrix `Q`. The `planerot` function is used to compute the Givens rotation matrices. Note that this implementation is not optimized for efficiency and may not be suitable for large matrices.