cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=true \
时间: 2024-04-09 18:31:12 浏览: 364
- `../`:指定了CMakeLists.txt文件所在的目录,`..`表示上一级目录。
- `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release`:设置构建类型为Release,这将启用优化和禁用调试信息。
- `-DBUILD_EXAMPLES=true`:设置构建选项,启用构建示例。
This command is used to generate a build system for a C++ project using CMake with the following options:
- `..`: specifies the path to the directory containing the `CMakeLists.txt` file. In this case, the command assumes that the user is currently in a build directory and the `CMakeLists.txt` file is located in the parent directory.
- `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release`: sets the build type to Release, which means that the code will be optimized for performance.
- `-DBUILD_EXAMPLES=true`: sets the `BUILD_EXAMPLES` variable to `true`, which means that any example code included in the project will be built.
Once the command is executed, CMake will generate the necessary build artifacts (e.g., Makefiles, Visual Studio projects) based on the configuration options specified. The resulting build system can then be used to compile the project.
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DBUILD_GPU=ON-DBUILD_apps=ON -DBUILD_examples=ON \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr 出现/usr/bin/ld: 找不到 -lippicv collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status ..
这个错误提示意味着在链接过程中找不到名为 "lippicv" 的库文件。这个库文件可能是 OpenCV 中的一个依赖项。你可以尝试以下几个步骤来解决这个问题:
1. 确认你已经安装了 IPP 和 IPPICV 库。你可以使用以下命令安装它们:
sudo apt-get install libipp-dev ippicv
2. 如果你已经安装了 IPP 和 IPPICV 库,那么你需要确保 CMake 可以找到它们。你可以在 CMakeLists.txt 文件中添加以下行来指定 IPP 和 IPPICV 的位置:
set(IPP_INCLUDE_DIR /path/to/ipp/include)
set(IPP_LIB_DIR /path/to/ipp/lib)
set(IPPICV_INCLUDE_DIR /path/to/ippicv/include)
set(IPPICV_LIB_DIR /path/to/ippicv/lib)
3. 如果你使用的是 OpenCV 4.x 版本,那么你需要将 "lippicv" 替换为 "ippicv",因为 OpenCV 4.x 使用的是 IPPICV 库而不是 IPP 库。你可以在 CMakeLists.txt 文件中将以下行:
target_link_libraries(your_target_name lippicv)
target_link_libraries(your_target_name ippicv)
4. 最后,如果你仍然无法解决这个问题,那么你可以尝试重新编译 OpenCV 并确保正确地安装了 IPP 和 IPPICV 库。