cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build .
时间: 2024-08-11 09:01:46 浏览: 130
`cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release` 和 `cmake --build .` 是用于构建CMake项目的两个命令行序列。它们通常是在Linux或Windows的终端中执行的。
1. 第一行 `cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release` 是配置阶段。`cmake` 是一种跨平台的构建系统生成器,它将CMakeLists.txt文件(项目描述文件)转化为特定平台的构建规则。`.`表示当前目录,`..` 表示上一级目录,即源码根目录。`-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release` 指定了我们希望生成的是release版本(一般优化度较高,适合生产环境),而非debug版本。
2. 第二行 `cmake --build .` 是构建阶段。`--build` 参数告诉cmake执行实际的构建操作。`.` 同样指代当前目录。这个命令会根据之前设置的CMake选项(如构建类型),生成可执行文件或其他目标。
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
这是一个 cmake 命令,用于在当前目录下生成 Release 版本的可执行文件。其中 ".." 表示上一级目录,"-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" 表示设置编译类型为 Release。具体来说,Release 版本是优化后的版本,它的运行速度比 Debug 版本更快,但是在调试时可能会比较困难。
This command is used to generate a build system for a C++ project using CMake with the following options:
- `..`: specifies the path to the directory containing the `CMakeLists.txt` file. In this case, the command assumes that the user is currently in a build directory and the `CMakeLists.txt` file is located in the parent directory.
- `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release`: sets the build type to Release, which means that the code will be optimized for performance.
- `-DBUILD_EXAMPLES=true`: sets the `BUILD_EXAMPLES` variable to `true`, which means that any example code included in the project will be built.
Once the command is executed, CMake will generate the necessary build artifacts (e.g., Makefiles, Visual Studio projects) based on the configuration options specified. The resulting build system can then be used to compile the project.