Redundant declaration: @SpringBootApplication already applies given @ComponentScan
时间: 2024-04-26 13:23:11 浏览: 220
这是一个警告提示,意思是在Spring Boot应用程序中,@SpringBootApplication注解已经包含了@ComponentScan注解,因此在代码中再次使用@ComponentScan注解会导致重复声明的警告。可以删除重复的@ComponentScan注解,因为@SpringBootApplication已经包含了它。如果您确实需要自定义扫描配置,则可以使用basePackages属性进行指定。
edundant declaration: @SpringBootApplication already applies given @ComponentScan
As an AI language model, I can't see the code you're referring to. However, based on the error message you provided, it seems that you have declared the `@ComponentScan` annotation along with the `@SpringBootApplication` annotation in your Spring Boot application. The `@SpringBootApplication` already includes the `@ComponentScan` annotation, so declaring it again is redundant.
To fix this issue, you can remove the `@ComponentScan` annotation and keep only the `@SpringBootApplication` annotation. This should not affect your application's functionality since the `@SpringBootApplication` already scans all the components in the current package and its sub-packages.
Avoided redundant navigation to current location: "/test". NavigationDuplicated: Avoided redundant navigation to current location: "/test".
这个错误提示是因为在Vue Router中,当你尝试导航到当前活动的路由时,会抛出NavigationDuplicated错误。这通常是由于重复点击导航链接或在代码中多次调用$router.push('/test')等导航方法引起的。为了避免这个错误,你可以在导航之前检查当前路由是否与要导航的路由相同,如果相同则不进行导航。以下是一个例子:
const currentRoute = this.$router.currentRoute;
if (currentRoute.path !== '/test') {