self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(middle_planes, out_planes, 3, 1, 1, bias=False, groups=groups)
时间: 2023-10-16 21:06:48 浏览: 112
This line of code defines a convolutional layer in a neural network using the PyTorch library.
- `self.conv2` is the name given to the layer.
- `nn.Conv2d` is the class used to create the convolutional layer.
- `middle_planes` is the number of input channels (also known as feature maps) to the layer.
- `out_planes` is the number of output channels (also known as filters) from the layer.
- `3` is the size of the convolution kernel (also known as filter size).
- `1` is the stride (distance between consecutive filter placements).
- `1` is the padding size (number of pixels added around the input feature map).
- `bias=False` means that no bias term will be added to the output of the layer.
- `groups` is used for group convolution, where input and output channels are divided into groups and only connections within a group are made.
Overall, this line of code creates a convolutional layer that takes an input feature map of size `(batch_size, middle_planes, height, width)` and produces an output feature map of size `(batch_size, out_planes, height, width)`.