concatenation of lists is an operation where the elements of one list are added at the end of another list. for example, if we have a linked list l1→1→2→3 and another one l2→4→5→6. the function listconcat is to return the head pointer of the list l→1→2→3→
时间: 2023-05-01 11:05:07 浏览: 266
Write a function link_to_list that takes in a linked list and returns the sequence as a Python list. You may assume that the input list is shallow; none of the elements is another linked list. Try to find both an iterative and recursive solution for this problem!
Iterative solution:
def link_to_list(head):
lst = []
current = head
while current:
current =
return lst
This solution traverses the linked list from the head node to the last node, appending the value of each node to a Python list. Once the end of the linked list is reached (i.e., the current node is `None`), the list is returned.
Recursive solution:
def link_to_list(head):
if head is None:
return []
return [head.val] + link_to_list(
This solution is a recursive implementation of the same logic. The base case is when the head node is `None`, in which case an empty list is returned. Otherwise, the function recursively calls itself on the next node in the linked list and appends the value of the current node to the resulting list. The final result is the concatenation of all these lists.
You are given an integer K. Print a string that is a concatenation of the first K uppercase English letters in ascending order, starting from A.用python,尽可能短一点
您可以使用以下 python 代码来实现这个功能:
K = 5
result = ''.join([chr(ord('A') + i) for i in range(K)])
代码的输出将是 "ABCDE"(如果 K 等于 5)。
这段代码使用了一个列表推导式,它使用 ord 函数和 chr 函数将数字转换为字母,然后使用 join 函数将这些字母连接起来。