a star算法matlab代码
时间: 2023-09-14 07:04:53 浏览: 126
function [path, cost] = astar(start, goal, map)
% A* algorithm implementation in Matlab
% Input arguments:
% start - starting node coordinates [x, y]
% goal - goal node coordinates [x, y]
% map - binary matrix representing the environment, where 0 is free and 1 is occupied
% Output arguments:
% path - array of nodes representing the path from start to goal
% cost - total cost of the path
% Define the heuristic function (Euclidean distance)
heuristic = @(a,b) sqrt((a(1)-b(1))^2 + (a(2)-b(2))^2);
% Define the cost function (Euclidean distance)
costfunc = @(a,b) sqrt((a(1)-b(1))^2 + (a(2)-b(2))^2);
% Define the open and closed lists
openList = start;
closedList = [];
% Define the gScore and fScore of the starting node
gScore = inf(size(map));
gScore(start(2), start(1)) = 0;
fScore = inf(size(map));
fScore(start(2), start(1)) = heuristic(start, goal);
% Start the search loop
while ~isempty(openList)
% Select the node with the lowest fScore in the openList
[~, current] = min(fScore(openList(:,2), openList(:,1)));
current = openList(current,:);
% Check if the current node is the goal node
if isequal(current, goal)
% Reconstruct the path and compute the cost
path = [current];
cost = 0;
while ~isequal(current, start)
[~, prev] = min(gScore(current(2)-1:current(2)+1, current(1)-1:current(1)+1) + ...
costfunc(current, [current(1)-1:current(1)+1; current(2)-1:current(2)+1]'));
current = [current(1)-1:current(1)+1; current(2)-1:current(2)+1](:,prev);
path = [current path];
cost = cost + costfunc(path(:,1), path(:,2));
% Move the current node from the openList to the closedList
openList(ismember(openList, current, 'rows'),:) = [];
closedList(end+1,:) = current;
% Generate the neighbors of the current node
neighbors = [current(1)-1 current(2);
current(1)+1 current(2);
current(1) current(2)-1;
current(1) current(2)+1];
neighbors(neighbors(:,1)<1 | neighbors(:,1)>size(map,2) | ...
neighbors(:,2)<1 | neighbors(:,2)>size(map,1) | ...
map(sub2ind(size(map),neighbors(:,2),neighbors(:,1))), :) = [];
% Iterate over the neighbors of the current node
for i = 1:size(neighbors,1)
neighbor = neighbors(i,:);
% Check if the neighbor is already in the closedList
if any(ismember(closedList, neighbor, 'rows'))
% Compute the tentative gScore of the neighbor
tentative_gScore = gScore(current(2), current(1)) + costfunc(current, neighbor);
% Check if the neighbor is already in the openList
if ~any(ismember(openList, neighbor, 'rows'))
openList(end+1,:) = neighbor;
% Check if the tentative gScore is greater than the current gScore of the neighbor
elseif tentative_gScore >= gScore(neighbor(2), neighbor(1))
% Update the gScore and fScore of the neighbor
gScore(neighbor(2), neighbor(1)) = tentative_gScore;
fScore(neighbor(2), neighbor(1)) = tentative_gScore + heuristic(neighbor, goal);
% If the goal node is not reachable, return an empty path and infinite cost
path = [];
cost = inf;
这个代码中的输入参数 `map` 是一个二元矩阵,其中 0 表示空闲,1 表示障碍物。输出参数 `path` 是一个节点数组,表示从起点到终点的路径;`cost` 是该路径的总成本。