时间: 2023-06-02 07:02:18 浏览: 419
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
// Gyroscope sensitivity in degrees per second
#define GYRO_SENSITIVITY 131.0
// Complementary filter constants
#define ALPHA 0.98
#define BETA 0.02
// Function to read raw gyro data
void read_gyro_raw(int16_t* gyro_x, int16_t* gyro_y, int16_t* gyro_z);
int main() {
// Initialize gyro data
int16_t gyro_x_raw, gyro_y_raw, gyro_z_raw;
float gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z;
float gyro_x_offset = 0.0, gyro_y_offset = 0.0, gyro_z_offset = 0.0;
// Initialize angle data
float angle_x = 0.0, angle_y = 0.0, angle_z = 0.0;
// Initialize time data
uint32_t prev_time = 0, curr_time = 0, delta_time = 0;
// Main loop
while (1) {
// Read gyro data
read_gyro_raw(&gyro_x_raw, &gyro_y_raw, &gyro_z_raw);
// Convert gyro data to degrees per second
gyro_x = gyro_x_raw / GYRO_SENSITIVITY;
gyro_y = gyro_y_raw / GYRO_SENSITIVITY;
gyro_z = gyro_z_raw / GYRO_SENSITIVITY;
// Apply gyro offsets
gyro_x -= gyro_x_offset;
gyro_y -= gyro_y_offset;
gyro_z -= gyro_z_offset;
// Calculate delta time
curr_time = millis(); // Replace with appropriate function
delta_time = curr_time - prev_time;
prev_time = curr_time;
// Calculate angle change from gyro data
angle_x += gyro_x * delta_time / 1000.0;
angle_y += gyro_y * delta_time / 1000.0;
angle_z += gyro_z * delta_time / 1000.0;
// Apply complementary filter to angle data
float accel_x, accel_y, accel_z;
// Read accelerometer data and convert to G's
// Replace with appropriate function
// ...
// Calculate angles from accelerometer data
accel_x = atan2(accel_y, accel_z) * 180.0 / PI;
accel_y = atan2(-accel_x, accel_z) * 180.0 / PI;
accel_z = 0.0;
// Apply complementary filter
angle_x = ALPHA * (angle_x + gyro_x * delta_time / 1000.0) + BETA * accel_x;
angle_y = ALPHA * (angle_y + gyro_y * delta_time / 1000.0) + BETA * accel_y;
angle_z = ALPHA * (angle_z + gyro_z * delta_time / 1000.0) + BETA * accel_z;
// Print angles
printf("Angle X: %.2f\n", angle_x);
printf("Angle Y: %.2f\n", angle_y);
printf("Angle Z: %.2f\n", angle_z);
return 0;
void read_gyro_raw(int16_t* gyro_x, int16_t* gyro_y, int16_t* gyro_z) {
// Replace with appropriate function to read raw gyro data
// ...