The device has various configuration settings for the Low-power mode operation. The configuration settings are as follows: int[3-0] is used to set the interrupt timer value. With the interrupt timer set, the IC wakes up after the selected timer expires and issue an interrupt. This register can be selected to be OFF such that the IC does not wake-up from an interrupt timer. poll[3-0] is used to set the normal polling rate for the IC. The polling rate is the time between polling events. The current sources become active at this time for a time of tACTIVESGPOLLING or tACTIVESBPOLLING for SG or SB channels respectively.是什么意思

时间: 2024-02-14 14:26:57 浏览: 36
这段文本描述了设备的低功耗模式操作的各种配置设置。具体的配置设置如下: int[3-0] 用于设置中断定时器的值。设置了中断定时器后,IC会在选择的定时器到期后唤醒并发出一个中断。这个寄存器可以选择关闭,以使IC不会通过中断定时器被唤醒。 poll[3-0] 用于设置IC的正常轮询速率。轮询速率是轮询事件之间的时间间隔。在此时间内,电流源变为活动状态,活动时间为 tACTIVESGPOLLING 或 tACTIVESBPOLLING,对应SG或SB通道。

"unk0" is not an ethernet device. Use the --unprivileged option for this scan. QUITTING!

这个错误提示是因为您没有足够的权限访问网络接口,您可以尝试使用 `--unprivileged` 选项来解决这个问题。具体操作方法如下: 1. 打开终端或者命令行界面。 2. 输入以下命令:`sudo nmap --unprivileged [目标IP地址]`。 3. 系统会提示您输入管理员密码,输入密码并按下回车键。 4. 等待扫描完成。 使用 `--unprivileged` 选项可以使nmap以非特权用户身份运行,从而避免了需要root权限才能扫描网络接口的问题。此外,您还可以尝试使用其他选项来解决这个问题,例如 `-e` 选项指定使用的网络接口,或者 `-Pn` 选项来关闭主机发现功能。

windows下"unk0" is not an ethernet device. Use the --unprivileged option for this scan. QUITTING!

在Windows下,您可以使用以下步骤来解决此问题: 1. 打开命令提示符(按下Win+R,输入“cmd”并按下回车键)。 2. 输入以下命令:`nmap --unprivileged [目标IP地址]`。 3. 等待扫描完成。 如果您仍然遇到问题,可以尝试以下方法: 1. 确保您的用户帐户具有管理员权限。 2. 尝试使用 `-e` 选项,指定要使用的网络接口。例如,使用以下命令:`nmap -e [网络接口名称] [目标IP地址]`。 3. 关闭防火墙或安全软件,这些软件可能会阻止nmap扫描网络接口。 4. 如果您使用的是虚拟机,请确保虚拟机的网络设置正确。例如,如果您使用VMware,可以尝试将虚拟机网络设置为“桥接模式”。 希望这些方法可以帮助您解决问题。


翻译Device configuration register The device has various configuration settings that are global in nature. The configuration settings are as follows: • When the 33978 is in the overvoltage region, a Logic [0] on the VBATP OV bit limits the wetting current on all input channels to 2 mA and the 33978 will not be able to enter into the Low-power mode. A Logic [1] allows the device to operate normally even in the overvoltage region. The OV flag will be set when the device enters in the OV region, regardless the value of the VBATP OV bit. • WAKE_B can be used to enable an external power supply regulator to supply the VDDQ voltage rail. When the WAKE_B VDDQ check bit is a Logic [0], the WAKE_B pin is expected to be pulled-up internally or externally to VDDQ and VDDQ is expected to go low, therefore the 33978 does not wake-up on the falling edge of WAKE_B. A Logic [1], assumes the user is using an external pull-up to VBATP or VDDQ (when VDDQ is not expected to be off) and the IC wakes up on a falling edge of WAKE_B. • INT_B out is used to select how the INT_B pin operates when an interrupt occurs. The IC is able to pulse low [1] or latch low [0]. • Aconfig[1-0] is used to determine the method of selecting the AMUX output, either a SPI command or using a hardwired setup using SG[3-1]. • Inputs SP0-7 may be programmable for switch-to-battery or switch-to-ground. These inputs types are defined using the settings command. To set a SPn input for switch-to-battery, a logic [1] for the appropriate bit must be set. To set a SPn input for switch-toground, a logic [0] for the appropriate bit must be set. The MCU may change or update the programmable switch register via software at any time in Normal mode. Regardless of the setting, when the SPn input switch is closed a logic [1] is placed in the serial output response register.



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JSBSim Reference Manual
