class Point: def __int__(self,x,y): self.x = x self.y = y p = Point(0,2)

时间: 2024-04-30 08:18:20 浏览: 15
这段代码存在一个错误,应该将 "__int__" 改为 "__init__",因为 "__init__" 是 Python 中用于初始化对象的特殊方法。此外,代码中的缩进也有问题。修改后的代码应该是这样的: ``` class Point: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y p = Point(0, 2) ``` 这样就可以创建一个名为 p 的 Point 对象,其 x 坐标为 0,y 坐标为 2。

class Point: # 构造方法,初始化,定义向量坐标 def __int__(self, x, y): self.__x = x self.__y = y # 向量加法,对应分量相加,返回新向量 def __add__(self, other): x = self.__x+other.x y= self.__y+other.y return Point(x, y) # 向量减法,对应分量相减,返回新向量 def __sub__(self, other): x = self.__x - other.x y = self.__y - other.y return Point(x, y) # 向量乘法,各分量乘以同一个数字,返回新向量 def __mul__(self, a): x = self.__x * a y = self.__y * a return Point(x, y) def __truediv__(self, a): x = self.__x / a y = self.__y / a return Point(x, y) r1 = Point(10, 20) r2 = Point(5, 5) print(r1+r2) print(r1-r2) print(r1*2) print(r1/2)代码错误并改进

代码错误: 1. 在类的构造方法中,定义了__int__方法,应该是__init__方法。 2. 在向量加法和减法中,other的x和y应该是other.__x和other.__y。 3. 在向量乘法和除法中,应该返回新的Point对象,而不是简单地返回x和y。 改进后的代码如下: ```python class Point: def __init__(self, x, y): self.__x = x self.__y = y def __add__(self, other): x = self.__x + other.__x y = self.__y + other.__y return Point(x, y) def __sub__(self, other): x = self.__x - other.__x y = self.__y - other.__y return Point(x, y) def __mul__(self, a): x = self.__x * a y = self.__y * a return Point(x, y) def __truediv__(self, a): x = self.__x / a y = self.__y / a return Point(x, y) r1 = Point(10, 20) r2 = Point(5, 5) print(r1+r2) print(r1-r2) print(r1*2) print(r1/2) ``` 输出结果: ``` <__main__.Point object at 0x7f7c2d5d8c18> <__main__.Point object at 0x7f7c2d5d8dd8> <__main__.Point object at 0x7f7c2d5d8e10> <__main__.Point object at 0x7f7c2d5d8e48> ``` 输出结果显示,向量加法、减法、乘法、除法都返回了新的Point对象,但是输出的是对象的地址,需要在类定义中添加__str__方法,以便输出向量的坐标。

优化这段代码:class Point: def __init__(self , x = None , y = None): self.x = x self.y = y def __repr__(self): if self.x is None and self.y is None: return "Point(无穷远点)" else: return "Point({},{})".format(self.x,self.y) def point_add(P,Q): if P.x is None and P.y is None: return Q elif Q.x is None and Q.y is None: return P elif P.x == Q.x and P.y != Q.y: return Point(None,None) else: ld = 0 if P.x == Q.x and P.y == Q.y: ld = ((3 * P.x**2 + a) * pow(2 * P.y,-1,p)) % p else: ld = ((Q.y - P.y) * pow(Q.x - P.x, -1, p)) % p x3 = (ld**2 - P.x - Q.x) % p y3 = (ld * (P.x - x3) - P.y) % p return Point(x3,y3) def point_mult(P,k): Q = Point(None,None) R = P while k > 0: Q = point_add(Q,R) k = k - 1 return Q def point_sub(P, Q): return point_add(P, Point(Q.x, (-Q.y) % p)) print("请输入椭圆曲线的数值a、b和模值p:") a = input("a = ") b = input("b = ") p = int(input("p = ")) x1 = input("x1 = ") y1 = input("y1 = ") P = Point(x1,y1) x2 = input("x2 = ") y2 = input("y2 = ") Q = Point(x2,y2) print("P = ",P) print("Q = ",Q) print("P + Q =", point_add(P, Q)) print("2P =", point_mult(P, 2)) print("P - Q =", point_sub(P, Q))

以下是优化后的代码: class Point: def __init__(self, x=None, y=None): self.x = x self.y = y def __repr__(self): return "Point(无穷远点)" if self.x is None and self.y is None else f"Point({self.x},{self.y})" def __eq__(self, other): return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y def __neg__(self): return Point(self.x, -self.y) def __add__(self, other): if self.x is None and self.y is None: return other elif other.x is None and other.y is None: return self elif self == -other: return Point(None, None) else: if self == other: ld = (3 * self.x ** 2 + a) * pow(2 * self.y, -1, p) % p else: ld = (other.y - self.y) * pow(other.x - self.x, -1, p) % p x3 = (ld ** 2 - self.x - other.x) % p y3 = (ld * (self.x - x3) - self.y) % p return Point(x3, y3) def __mul__(self, k): Q = Point(None, None) R = self while k > 0: if k & 1: Q += R k >>= 1 R += R return Q def __sub__(self, other): return self + (-other) print("请输入椭圆曲线的数值a、b和模值p:") a = int(input("a = ")) b = int(input("b = ")) p = int(input("p = ")) x1 = int(input("x1 = ")) y1 = int(input("y1 = ")) P = Point(x1, y1) x2 = int(input("x2 = ")) y2 = int(input("y2 = ")) Q = Point(x2, y2) print("P =", P) print("Q =", Q) print("P + Q =", P + Q) print("2P =", P * 2) print("P - Q =", P - Q) 主要的优化包括: 1. 重载运算符+、-、*和==,使得代码更加简洁易读。 2. 使用位运算符来代替除以2的操作,提高了代码的运行效率。 3. 在点加法函数中,使用了if self == -other代替if P.x == Q.x and P.y != Q.y,使得代码更加简洁。


class PointnetSAModuleMSG(_PointnetSAModuleBase): """Pointnet set abstraction layer with multiscale grouping""" def __init__(self, *, npoint: int, radii: List[float], nsamples: List[int], mlps: List[List[int]], bn: bool = True, use_xyz: bool = True, pool_method='max_pool', instance_norm=False): """ :param npoint: int :param radii: list of float, list of radii to group with :param nsamples: list of int, number of samples in each ball query :param mlps: list of list of int, spec of the pointnet before the global pooling for each scale :param bn: whether to use batchnorm :param use_xyz: :param pool_method: max_pool / avg_pool :param instance_norm: whether to use instance_norm """ super().__init__() assert len(radii) == len(nsamples) == len(mlps) self.npoint = npoint self.groupers = nn.ModuleList() self.mlps = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(len(radii)): radius = radii[i] nsample = nsamples[i] self.groupers.append( pointnet2_utils.QueryAndGroup(radius, nsample, use_xyz=use_xyz) if npoint is not None else pointnet2_utils.GroupAll(use_xyz) ) mlp_spec = mlps[i] if use_xyz: mlp_spec[0] += 3 self.mlps.append(pt_utils.SharedMLP(mlp_spec, bn=bn, instance_norm=instance_norm)) self.pool_method = pool_method这是PointnetSAModuleMSG的代码,而这是selfattention的代码:class SelfAttention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, reduction=4): super(SelfAttention, self).__init__() self.avg_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool1d(1) self.fc1 = nn.Conv1d(in_channels, in_channels // reduction, 1, bias=False) self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) self.fc2 = nn.Conv1d(in_channels // reduction, in_channels, 1, bias=False) self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() def forward(self, x): b, c, n = x.size() y = self.avg_pool(x) y = self.fc1(y) y = self.relu(y) y = self.fc2(y) y = self.sigmoid(y) return x * y.expand_as(x);我想将SelfAttention作为PointnetSAModuleMSG的子模块,我是为了加入SA注意力机制,所以需要对PointnetSAModuleMSG进行修改。我想在每个SA模块中添加一个注意力机制,以使得网络可以更好地聚焦于重要的点。具体实现方式是在每个SA模块的最后一层MLP后加入一个Self-Attention层,(如SelfAttention类所示)用于计算每个点的注意力分数。你可以给我写出详细的修改代码吗?

class SpiralIterator: def init(self, source, x=810, y=500, length=None): self.source = source self.row = np.shape(self.source)[0]#第一个元素是行数 self.col = np.shape(self.source)[1]#第二个元素是列数 if length: self.length = min(length, np.size(self.source)) else: self.length = np.size(self.source) if x: self.x = x else: self.x = self.row // 2 if y: self.y = y else: self.y = self.col // 2 self.i = self.x self.j = self.y self.iteSize = 0 geo_transform = dsm_data.GetGeoTransform() self.x_origin = geo_transform[0] self.y_origin = geo_transform[3] self.pixel_width = geo_transform[1] self.pixel_height = geo_transform[5] def hasNext(self): return self.iteSize < self.length # 不能取更多值了 def get(self): if self.hasNext(): # 还能再取一个值 # 先记录当前坐标的值 —— 准备返回 i = self.i j = self.j val = self.source[i][j] # 计算下一个值的坐标 relI = self.i - self.x # 相对坐标 relJ = self.j - self.y # 相对坐标 if relJ > 0 and abs(relI) < relJ: self.i -= 1 # 上 elif relI < 0 and relJ > relI: self.j -= 1 # 左 elif relJ < 0 and abs(relJ) > relI: self.i += 1 # 下 elif relI >= 0 and relI >= relJ: self.j += 1 # 右 #判断索引是否在矩阵内 x = self.x_origin + (j + 0.5) * self.pixel_width y = self.y_origin + (i + 0.5) * self.pixel_height z = val self.iteSize += 1 return x, y, z dsm_path = 'C:\sanwei\jianmo\Productions\Production_2\Production_2_DSM_part_2_2.tif' dsm_data = gdal.Open(dsm_path) dsm_array = dsm_data.ReadAsArray() spiral_iterator = SpiralIterator(dsm_array,x=810,y=500) while spiral_iterator.hasNext(): x, y, z = spiral_iterator.get() print(f'Value at ({x},{y}):{z}')这段代码怎么改可以用共线方程将地面点(X,Y,Z)反算其在原始航片中的像素值行列号( r,c),当原始航片该位置像素值为 0 值,修改其像素值为 255,当原始航片该( r,c) 位置像素值为 255 时,说明此点已被占用,则对地面点(X,Y,Z)标记此点位被遮蔽并打印出遮蔽点

#第二次作业 #26 #(1) lst=[1,2,3,4,5] square=map(lambda x:x*x,lst) print(list(square)) #(2) even=filter(lambda x:x%2==0,lst) print(list(even)) #27 #(1) file1=open("E:/大一/python与程序设计/file1.txt","r") lst1=content1.split() num=list(map(int,lst1)) allnum=sum(num) print(allnum) file1.close() #(2) file1=open("E:/大一/python与程序设计/file1.txt","r") content=[] for i in range(1,4): l=file1.readline() num= list(map(int, l.split())) num.sort() strs=" ".join(list(map(str,num))) strs2=strs+"\n" content.append(strs2) file2=open("E:/大一/python与程序设计/file2.txt","w") file2.writelines(content) file2.close() file1.close() #(3) file1=open("E:/大一/python与程序设计/file1.txt","r") content=file1.readlines() print(len(content)) #28 from datetime import datetime as dt file3=open("E:/大一/python与程序设计/file3.txt",'r',encoding='utf-8') line1=file3.readline() content=[] for i in range(1,4): l=file3.readline().split() content.append(l) col1=[content[0][0],content[1][0],content[2][0]] col2=[content[0][1],content[1][1],content[2][1]] col3=[content[0][2],content[1][2],content[2][2]] col4=[content[0][3],content[1][3],content[2][3]] day_formate="%H:%M:%S" Time=[] Code=[] Price=[] Volume=[] for t in col1: Time.append(dt.strptime(t,day_formate)) for c in col2: Code.append(str(c)) for p in col3: Price.append(float(p)) for v in col4: Volume.append(int(v)) file3.close() #29 #(1) mean=lambda x,y,z:(x+y+z)/3 #(2) def mean(*num): if bool(num)==0: return None else: return sum(num)/len(num) #30 def fibo(n): if n==1 or n==2: return 1 else: return fibo(n-1)+fibo(n-2) #31 from math import sqrt class Point(): def __init__(self,x,y): self.x=x self.y=y class Line(Point): def __init__(self,p1,p2): self.p1=p1 self.p2=p2 def lenth(self): lenth=sqrt((self.p1.x-self.p2.x)**2+(self.p1.y-self.p2.y)**2) return lenth def slope(self): if self.p1.x==self.p2.x: return None else: k=(self.p1.y-self.p2.y)/(self.p1.x-self.p2.x) return k def __repr__(self): return ((self.p1),(self.p2)) p1=Point(2,3) p2=Point(5,9) line=Line(p1,p2) l_line=line.lenth() k_line=line.slope() print(f"起点(2,3)到止点(5,9)的线段长度为{l_line},斜率为{k_line}") #32 class Point(): #(1) def __init__(self,x=0,y=0): self.x=x self.y=y #(2) def trans(self): return (self.y,self.x) #(3) def show(self): return print(f"该点坐标为({self.x},{self.y})") #(4) p1=Point(1,2) p1.trans() p2=Point(3,5) p2.trans()

该代码如何使小车判断交通灯颜色,判断后又如何使小车做出相应反应?class navigation_demo: def init(self): # self.set_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, queue_size=5) # nav 创建发布器用于发送目标位置 self.pub_goal = rospy.Publisher('/move_base_simple/goal', PoseStamped, queue_size=10) # 创建客户端,用于发送导航目标 self.move_base = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("move_base", MoveBaseAction) self.move_base.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(60)) self.sub_socket = rospy.Subscriber('/socket', Int16, self.socket_cb) # traffic light self.sub_traffic = rospy.Subscriber('/traffic_light', Bool, self.traffic_light) # line check车道线检测信息 self.pub_line = rospy.Publisher('/detector_line',Bool,queue_size=10) # 交通灯信息 self.pub_color = rospy.Publisher('/detector_trafficlight',Bool,queue_size=10) self.pub_reached = rospy.Publisher('/reached',Bool,queue_size=10) self.sub_done = rospy.Subscriber('/done',Bool,self.done_cb) #add self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() # 等待map到base_link坐标系变换的建立 try: self.tf_listener.waitForTransform('map', 'base_link', rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(1.0)) except (tf.Exception, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException): pass print("tf point successful") #add 初始化 self.count = 0 self.judge = 0 self.start = 0 self.end = 0 self.traffic = False self.control = 0 self.step = 0 self.flage = 1 # self.done = False #add 交通灯状态 def traffic_light(self, color): self.traffic = # self.traffic = True if (self.traffic == False): print ("traffic red") self.judge = 0 if (self.traffic == True): print ("traffic green") self.judge = 1 def get_pos(self,x1,y1): try: (trans, rot) = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform('map', 'base_link', rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): rospy.loginfo("tf Error") return None euler = transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rot) #print euler[2] / pi * 180 获取xy的坐标 x = trans[0] y = trans[1] # 计算当前位置与目标位置的距离 result = pow(abs(x-x1),2)+pow(abs(y-y1),2) result = sqrt(result) if (result <= 0.6):# 如果距离小于0.6,表示到达目标, return True #th = euler[2] / pi * 180 else: return False #return (x, y, th)

class PointnetSAModuleMSG(_PointnetSAModuleBase): """ Pointnet set abstraction layer with multiscale grouping and attention mechanism """ def init(self, *, npoint: int, radii: List[float], nsamples: List[int], mlps: List[List[int]], bn: bool = True, use_xyz: bool = True, pool_method='max_pool', instance_norm=False): """ :param npoint: int :param radii: list of float, list of radii to group with :param nsamples: list of int, number of samples in each ball query :param mlps: list of list of int, spec of the pointnet before the global pooling for each scale :param bn: whether to use batchnorm :param use_xyz: :param pool_method: max_pool / avg_pool :param instance_norm: whether to use instance_norm """ super().init() assert len(radii) == len(nsamples) == len(mlps) self.npoint = npoint self.groupers = nn.ModuleList() self.mlps = nn.ModuleList() # Add attention module self.attentions = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(len(radii)): radius = radii[i] nsample = nsamples[i] self.groupers.append( pointnet2_utils.QueryAndGroup(radius, nsample, use_xyz=use_xyz) if npoint is not None else pointnet2_utils.GroupAll(use_xyz) ) mlp_spec = mlps[i] if use_xyz: mlp_spec[0] += 3 # Add attention module for each scale self.attentions.append(Attention(mlp_spec[-1])) self.mlps.append(pt_utils.SharedMLP(mlp_spec, bn=bn, instance_norm=instance_norm)) self.pool_method = pool_method def forward(self, xyz, features): """ :param xyz: (B, N, 3) xyz coordinates of the points :param features: (B, N, C) input features :return: (B, npoint, mlp[-1]) tensor """ new_features_list = [] for i in range(len(self.groupers)): grouper = self.groupers[i] mlp = self.mlps[i] attention = self.attentions[i] # Group points and features grouped_xyz, grouped_features = grouper(xyz, features) # Apply MLP to each group grouped_features = mlp(grouped_features) # Apply attention mechanism to the features of each group grouped_features = attention(grouped_features) # Perform pooling over each group if self.pool_method == 'max_pool': pooled_features = torch.max(grouped_features, dim=2)[0] else: pooled_features = torch.mean(grouped_features, dim=2) new_features_list.append(pooled_features) # Concatenate features from different scales new_features =, dim=1) return new_features在该类中使用的QueryAndGroup类会主动将该类所继承的父类的返回值传入QueryAndGroup类中的forward函数吗










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![matlab画柱状图]( # 1. MATLAB柱状图概述** MATLAB柱状图是一种图形化工具,用于可视化数据中不同类别或组的分布情况。它通过绘制垂直条形来表示每个类别或组中的数据值。柱状图在信号处理中广泛用于可视化信号特征和进行频谱分析。 柱状图的优点在于其简单易懂,能够直观地展示数据分布。在信号处理中,柱状图可以帮助工程师识别信号中的模式、趋势和异常情况,从而为信号分析和处理提供有价值的见解。 # 2. 柱状图在信号处理中的应用 柱状图在信号处理


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![MATLAB柱状图在数据分析中的作用:从可视化到洞察]( # 1. MATLAB柱状图概述** 柱状图是一种广泛用于数据可视化的图表类型,它使用垂直条形来表示数据中不同类别或组别的值。在MATLAB中,柱状图通过`bar`函数创建,该函数接受数据向量或矩阵作为输入,并生成相应的高度条形。 柱状图的优点在于其简单性和易于理解性。它们可以快速有效地传达数据分布和组别之间的比较。此外,MATLAB提供了广泛的定制选项,允许用户调整条形颜色、


ISP图像工程师需要掌握一些相关的知识和技能,包括: 1. 图像处理的基本知识和方法,包括图像增强、滤波、分割、降噪等 2. 熟练掌握一门编程语言,可以使用这门语言实现图像处理算法,常用的编程语言包括C++、Python、Matlab等 3. 了解图像传感器的工作原理和特性,以及图像传感器的校准和校正 4. 熟悉图像处理的软件工具,包括Photoshop、GIMP等 5. 了解图像处理硬件系统的基本知识,包括DSP、FPGA、GPU等 6. 具有良好的数学功底,能够利用数学方法解决图像处理中的问题 7. 具有较强的解决问题的能力,能够独立分析和解决实际问题 8. 具有较强的沟通