if the readers want to know the result of the paper quickly, which part can

时间: 2024-01-05 21:01:04 浏览: 26
如果读者想迅速了解论文的结果,他们可以阅读论文的摘要部分。论文摘要是对整篇论文的简洁概述,通常包括研究目的、方法、主要发现和结论等要点。通过阅读摘要,读者能够迅速了解论文的核心内容和研究结果,帮助他们决定是否进一步阅读全文。摘要通常是论文的开篇部分,精炼明了,能够为读者提供论文的总体观念。 另外,读者还可以查看论文的结论部分。结论是论文的重要组成部分,它对整个研究进行总结并提出研究结果的解释和实际应用的建议。结论通常是论文末尾的一个段落或小节,读者可以从中直接获得研究结果的要点,而不必全文细读。 除了阅读摘要和结论,读者还可以查看论文的图表和图表标题,特别是结果展示部分。图表通常以直观的方式呈现数据和结果,读者可以通过快速浏览图表了解研究结果。 总之,摘要、结论以及图表都是读者快速了解论文结果的关键部分。通过阅读这些部分,读者可以在短时间内获取论文的主要结果和发现,有助于他们快速了解、引用或延伸研究。

raytracing from the groundup

"Ray Tracing from the Ground Up" is a book written by Kevin Suffern that provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of ray tracing. The book covers topics such as ray-surface intersection, shading, shadows, reflections, refractions, and global illumination, and provides practical advice on implementing these techniques in software. The book is designed to be accessible to both beginners and experienced programmers, and includes numerous examples and exercises to help readers develop their skills. It also includes code samples in C++ and Java, as well as a complete ray tracing engine implemented in C++. Overall, "Ray Tracing from the Ground Up" is an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning about ray tracing, whether as a hobbyist or a professional in the field of computer graphics.

Write the code about Readers-Writer Problem Implementation in C++.1、 A data set is shared among several concurrent processes.Problem – allow multiple readers (at most 8) to read at the same time. Only one single writer can access the shared data at the same time.

Here is an implementation of Readers-Writer Problem in C++ using Semaphores: ```cpp #include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <mutex> #include <semaphore.h> using namespace std; const int MAX_READERS = 8; int data = 0; int active_readers = 0; bool writer_active = false; sem_t mutex_read, mutex_write, reader_turnstile, writer_turnstile; void reader() { sem_wait(&reader_turnstile); sem_wait(&mutex_read); active_readers++; if (active_readers == 1) { sem_wait(&writer_turnstile); } sem_post(&mutex_read); sem_post(&reader_turnstile); cout << "Reader " << this_thread::get_id() << " read data: " << data << endl; sem_wait(&mutex_read); active_readers--; if (active_readers == 0) { sem_post(&writer_turnstile); } sem_post(&mutex_read); } void writer() { sem_wait(&writer_turnstile); writer_active = true; sem_post(&writer_turnstile); sem_wait(&mutex_write); cout << "Writer " << this_thread::get_id() << " is writing data" << endl; data++; cout << "Writer " << this_thread::get_id() << " finished writing data" << endl; sem_post(&mutex_write); sem_wait(&writer_turnstile); writer_active = false; sem_post(&writer_turnstile); } int main() { sem_init(&mutex_read, 0, 1); sem_init(&mutex_write, 0, 1); sem_init(&reader_turnstile, 0, MAX_READERS); sem_init(&writer_turnstile, 0, 1); thread readers[MAX_READERS]; thread writers[3]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_READERS; i++) { readers[i] = thread(reader); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { writers[i] = thread(writer); } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_READERS; i++) { readers[i].join(); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { writers[i].join(); } sem_destroy(&mutex_read); sem_destroy(&mutex_write); sem_destroy(&reader_turnstile); sem_destroy(&writer_turnstile); return 0; } ``` In this implementation, we have two semaphores for mutex (one for readers and one for writers) and two turnstile semaphores (one for readers and one for writers). When a reader wants to read, it first waits on the reader turnstile to ensure that there are not too many readers. Then, it waits on the reader mutex to ensure exclusive access to the shared data's active readers counter. It increments the active readers counter and, if it is the first reader, waits on the writer turnstile to block any writers from accessing the shared data. It then releases the reader mutex and signals the reader turnstile. It reads the shared data and then waits on the reader mutex again to decrement the active readers counter. If it is the last reader, it signals the writer turnstile to allow any waiting writers to access the shared data. When a writer wants to write, it waits on the writer turnstile to ensure exclusive access to the shared data. It sets the writer_active flag to true, waits on the writer mutex to ensure exclusive access to the shared data, writes to the data, and then sets the writer_active flag to false. It then signals the writer turnstile to allow other writers or readers to access the shared data.


7.3.1 Suzuki–Kasami Algorithm This algorithm is defined for a completely connected network of processes. It assumes that initially an arbitrary process has the token. A process i that does not have the token but wants to enter its CS broadcasts a request (i, num), where num is sequence number of that request. The algorithm guarantees that eventually process i receives the token. Every process i maintains an array req[0.. n − 1] of integers, where req[j] designates the sequence number of the latest request received from process j. Note that although every process receives a request, only one process (which currently has the token) can grant the token. As a result, some pending requests become stale or outdated. An important issue in this algorithm is to identify and discard these stale requests. To accomplish this, each process uses the following two additional data structures that are passed on with the token by its current holder: • An array last[0.. n − 1] of integers, where last[k] = r implies that during its last visit to its CS, process k has completed its rth trip • A queue Q containing the identifiers of processes with pending requests When a process i receives a request with a sequence number num from process k, it updates req[k] to max(req[k], num), so that req[k] now represents the most recent request from process k. A process holding the token must guarantee (before passing it to another process) that its Q contains the most recent requests. To satisfy this requirement, when a process i receives a token from another process, it executes the following steps: • It copies its num into last[i]. • For each process k, process i retains process k’s name in its local queue Q only if 1 + last[k] = req[k] (this establishes that the request from process k is a recent one). • Process i completes the execution of its CS codes. • If Q is nonempty, then it forwards the token to the process at the head of Q after deleting its entry. To enter the CS, a process sends (n − 1) requests and receives one message containing the token. The total number of messages required to complete one visit to its CS is thus (n − 1) + 1 = n. Readers are referred to [SK85] for a proof of this algorithm理解Suzuki-Kasami算法,并回答如下问题: 算法是如何辨别和丢弃过时的请求的,或者说为什么要求1 + last[k] = req[k]?

优化这段代码 #include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <chrono> #include <mutex> #include <semaphore.h> using namespace std; // shared data resource int shared_data = 0; // semaphores for synchronization sem_t mutex, rw_mutex; // number of readers int num_readers = 0; // reader function void reader(int id) { while (true) { // acquire mutex to update the number of readers sem_wait(&mutex); num_readers++; if (num_readers == 1) { // if this is the first reader, acquire the rw_mutex sem_wait(&rw_mutex); } sem_post(&mutex); // read the shared data cout << "Reader " << id << " read shared data: " << shared_data << endl; // release mutex sem_wait(&mutex); num_readers--; if (num_readers == 0) { // if this is the last reader, release the rw_mutex sem_post(&rw_mutex); } sem_post(&mutex); // sleep for a random amount of time this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(rand() % 1000)); } } // writer function void writer(int id) { while (true) { // acquire the rw_mutex sem_wait(&rw_mutex); // write to the shared data shared_data++; cout << "Writer " << id << " wrote to shared data: " << shared_data << endl; // release the rw_mutex sem_post(&rw_mutex); // sleep for a random amount of time this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(rand() % 1000)); } } int main() { // initialize semaphores sem_init(&mutex, 0, 1); sem_init(&rw_mutex, 0, 1); // create reader threads thread readers[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { readers[i] = thread(reader, i); } // create writer threads thread writers[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { writers[i] = thread(writer, i); } // join threads for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { readers[i].join(); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { writers[i].join(); } // destroy semaphores sem_destroy(&mutex); sem_destroy(&rw_mutex); return 0; }



Bluetooth Application Developer’s Guide The Short Range Interconnect Solution(syngress安全图书)

.While other books introduce readers to the possibilities of Bluetooth, this is the first comprehensive, advanced level programming book written specifically for embedded application developers ...





FT-Prog-v3.12.38.643-FTD USB 工作模式设定及eprom读写

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