train: WARNING: No labels found in C:\Users\dudada\Desktop\yolov7-main\VOCdevkit\VOC2007\train.cache.
时间: 2023-09-06 15:12:13 浏览: 111
这个警告表示在给定的路径中找不到训练数据的标签信息。通常,训练数据集应该包括标注信息,以便在训练模型时能够正确地进行监督学习。请确保你的训练数据集的文件结构正确,并且包含正确的标注信息。你可以检查一下路径 `C:\Users\dudada\Desktop\yolov7-main\VOCdevkit\VOC2007\train.cache` 中是否存在正确的标签文件。
AssertionError: train: No labels in C:\Users\Carl\Desktop\yolov7-main\yolov7-main\dataset\train.cache. Can not train without labels.
This error message is indicating that there are no label files present in the specified directory, which is preventing the training process from proceeding. In order to train a model using YOLOv7, you need to have both image files and corresponding label files that identify the location of objects in the images.
To resolve this error, you should check the specified directory (C:\Users\Carl\Desktop\yolov7-main\yolov7-main\dataset\train.cache) and ensure that it contains both image files and label files. The label files should have the same name as the corresponding image files, but with a different file extension (e.g. .txt, .xml, etc.) and should contain the coordinates of the objects in the image.
If there are no label files present, you will need to create them using a labeling tool such as LabelImg or YOLOv7 Label Tool. Once you have created the label files, place them in the same directory as the image files and ensure that they have the correct naming convention.
yolov5运行代码中出现train: WARNING: No labels found in C:\Users\ZhuanZ\Desktop\yolov5-v5.0\datasets\labels\train.cache.该怎么解决