Cursor cursor = db.query("suser", null, "suno=?", new String[]{"username"};
时间: 2023-07-19 08:54:19 浏览: 230
这是一个使用 Android SQLite 数据库进行查询的代码示例。其中:
- `db` 是一个 `SQLiteDatabase` 对象,表示要查询的数据库。
- `"suser"` 是要查询的表名。
- `null` 表示要返回所有列。
- `"suno=?"` 是查询的条件,其中 `suno` 是列名,`?` 是占位符,表示这个位置要传入查询条件的值。
- `new String[]{"username"}` 是传入的查询条件值,这里是一个字符串数组,表示要查询 `suno` 列等于 `"username"` 的记录。
Cursor cursor3= db.rawQuery("SELECT suser.suno , suser.sph, FROM suser INNER JOIN sus on suser.suno=sus.suno ",new String[]{});
这是一段使用 SQLite 数据库查询语言(SQL)的代码。它从两个表中选择数据并将其连接起来。"suser"和"sus"是两个表的名称。"suser.suno"、"suser.sph"和""是所需的列。"INNER JOIN"是一种连接类型,它连接两个表中具有相同值的行。"ON suser.suno=sus.suno"指定了连接条件,即两个表中"suno"列的值相等。最后,"db.rawQuery"函数执行此查询并返回一个游标对象,该对象可用于遍历结果集。
springboot+MyBatis连接MySql数据库遇到问题:### Error querying database. Cause: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure The last packet successfully received from the server was 11,751 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 11,858 milliseconds ago. ### The error may exist in file [/app/tomcat/webapps/project/WEB-INF/classes/mapper/PersonWeekMapper.xml] ### The error may involve com.xmsme.mapper.PersonWeekMapper.selectPersonWeekList-Inline ### The error occurred while setting parameters ### SQL: SELECT count(0) FROM (SELECT, WEEK.sub_time, WEEK.need_thing, WEEK.plan_content, WEEK.target_content, WEEK.sub_time AS update_time, WEEK.create_time, WEEK.week_start, WEEK.user_id, WEEK.week_end, AS readId, readInfo.read_status AS readStatus, updateor.nick_name FROM t_person_weekly AS WEEK LEFT JOIN sys_user sUser ON sUser.user_id = WEEK.user_id LEFT JOIN t_read_info readInfo ON readInfo.business_id = AND readInfo.read_type = 'PER' LEFT JOIN sys_user updateor ON updateor.user_id = WEEK.update_by LEFT JOIN sys_user_role uRole ON uRole.user_id = WEEK.update_by LEFT JOIN sys_user_post uPost ON uPost.user_id = WEEK.user_id LEFT JOIN t_project_person person ON person.user_id = WEEK.user_id LEFT JOIN t_project_person Pperson ON Pperson.project_id = person.project_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND WEEK.is_del = 0 AND WEEK.draft = 'N' AND Pperson.user_id = ? GROUP BY table_count ### Cause: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure The last packet successfully received from the server was 11,751 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 11,858 milliseconds ago. ; Communications link failure The last packet successfully received from the server was 11,751 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 11,858 milliseconds ago.; nested exception is com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure The last packet successfully received from the server was 11,751 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 11,858 milliseconds ago.
1. 数据库连接配置错误:请确保你的数据库连接配置正确,包括数据库地址、端口号、用户名和密码等。
2. 数据库服务未启动:请确保你的数据库服务已经启动,并且可以正常访问。
3. 数据库连接超时:如果你的数据库连接超时时间设置得过短,可能会导致连接失败。你可以尝试增加连接超时时间。
4. 网络问题:如果你的网络连接存在问题,可能会导致与数据库的通信失败。请确保你的网络连接正常。