_id_time = np.random.randint(0, sequence_length - missing_len, int(len(sequence_target) * size))
时间: 2024-06-01 17:10:25 浏览: 126
I'm sorry, as an AI language model, I cannot determine the context of this code snippet. Can you please provide more information and the language used so I can assist you better?
假如你是Python老师以下是我的答辩作业,你会问我哪些问题并给出答案import pygame import random # 游戏窗口大小 SCREEN_WIDTH = 800 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600 # 颜色定义 BLACK = (0, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) RED = (255, 0, 0) # 初始化游戏 pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption("Challenging Game") clock = pygame.time.Clock() # 创建玩家矩形 player_rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 50, 50) player_rect.centerx = SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 player_rect.centery = SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 player_speed = 5 # 创建敌人列表 enemies = [] enemy_size = 30 enemy_speed = 2 for _ in range(10): enemy_rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, enemy_size, enemy_size) enemy_rect.x = random.randint(0, SCREEN_WIDTH - enemy_rect.width) enemy_rect.y = random.randint(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - enemy_rect.height) enemies.append(enemy_rect) # 创建目标对象 target_rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 20, 20) target_rect.x = random.randint(0, SCREEN_WIDTH - target_rect.width) target_rect.y = random.randint(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - target_rect.height) # 游戏主循环 running = True score = 0 while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_LEFT] and player_rect.left > 0: player_rect.x -= player_speed if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] and player_rect.right < SCREEN_WIDTH: player_rect.x += player_speed if keys[pygame.K_UP] and player_rect.top > 0: player_rect.y -= player_speed if keys[pygame.K_DOWN] and player_rect.bottom < SCREEN_HEIGHT: player_rect.y += player_speed # 更新敌人位置 for enemy_rect in enemies: enemy_rect.x += random.randint(-enemy_speed, enemy_speed) enemy_rect.y += random.randint(-enemy_speed, enemy_speed) # 检测玩家与敌人的碰撞 for enemy_rect in enemies: if player_rect.colliderect(enemy_rect): running = False # 检测玩家与目标的碰撞 if player_rect.colliderect(target_rect): score += 1 target_rect.x = random.randint(0, SCREEN_WIDTH - target_rect.width) target_rect.y = random.randint(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - tar
1. 请简要描述一下这个游戏的玩法和规则。
2. 请问在这个游戏中,玩家矩形移动的速度是多少?敌人矩形的速度是多少?
3. 在这个游戏中,敌人矩形和目标矩形的大小分别是多少?
4. 请问在这个游戏中,敌人矩形的数量是多少?
5. 在这个游戏的主循环中,有几个循环体?
noise = np.random.randint(0, 100, (len(X_train), 784)) X_train_mod = X_train+noise noise = np.random.randint(0, 100, (len(X_test), 784)) X_test_mod = X_test + noise y_train_mod = X_train y_test_mod = X_test
这段代码是用来生成带噪声的训练集和测试集的。首先,用NumPy中的random模块生成一个矩阵noise,该矩阵的大小为(len(X_train), 784),其中X_train是训练集数据,784是每张图片的像素数量。这个矩阵中每个元素的取值范围是[0,100),即0到99之间的整数。