explicit operator bool() const 前面的 explicit 干什么用?

时间: 2023-08-28 10:07:56 浏览: 65
`explicit` 关键字在 C++ 中用于显式地将一个构造函数或转换函数声明为只能进行显式调用,禁止隐式调用。在 `operator bool()` 中使用 `explicit` 可以避免一些意外的类型转换,提高代码的安全性。 在 `operator bool()` 中使用 `explicit` 的作用是将对象隐式转换为布尔值的行为改为显式调用,即只有显式地将对象转换为 bool 类型才能进行转换,避免了一些不必要的隐式类型转换。例如: ```cpp class Test { public: explicit operator bool() const { return true; } }; int main() { Test t; if (t) { // error: 隐式转换被禁止 // ... } if (static_cast<bool>(t)) { // 显式调用转换函数 // ... } return 0; } ``` 如果没有 `explicit` 关键字,`Test` 对象就可以隐式转换为 bool 类型,这可能会导致一些不可预测的行为。因此,在定义 bool 转换函数时,建议使用 `explicit` 关键字来显式声明。

C++operator bool

引用\[1\]中的代码展示了一个C++程序,其中定义了两个结构体A和B,并重载了它们的bool和!运算符。在main函数中,创建了A对象a和B对象b,并使用!运算符对它们进行判断。引用\[2\]中的代码也展示了一个C++程序,其中只定义了一个结构体A,并重载了它的bool运算符。在main函数中,创建了A对象a,并使用!运算符对它进行判断。引用\[3\]中提到了一个函数explicit operator bool() const,它是一种运算符重载,用于将本类型对象隐式转换为bool类型。 回答: 在C++中,operator bool是一种运算符重载,用于将对象转换为bool类型。在引用\[1\]中的代码中,结构体A和B都重载了operator bool运算符,分别用于判断对象a和b的bool值。在引用\[2\]中的代码中,结构体A也重载了operator bool运算符,用于判断对象a的bool值。而引用\[3\]中提到的explicit operator bool() const是一种显式转换函数,用于将本类型对象隐式转换为bool类型。 #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* *2* [C++ operator bool](https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_30326745/article/details/99955254)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insertT0,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] - *3* [【C++】operator bool() 和 operator const bool() const](https://blog.csdn.net/u010168781/article/details/95645564)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insertT0,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] [ .reference_list ]

// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 #pragma once #include <cstdint> #include <cstring> #include "opentelemetry/nostd/span.h" #include "opentelemetry/version.h" OPENTELEMETRY_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace trace { // TraceId represents an opaque 128-bit trace identifier. The trace identifier // remains constant across the trace. A valid trace identifier is a 16-byte array with at // least one non-zero byte. class TraceId final { public: // The size in bytes of the TraceId. static constexpr int kSize = 16; // An invalid TraceId (all zeros). TraceId() noexcept : rep_{0} {} // Creates a TraceId with the given ID. explicit TraceId(nostd::span<const uint8_t, kSize> id) noexcept { memcpy(rep_, id.data(), kSize); } // Populates the buffer with the lowercase base16 representation of the ID. void ToLowerBase16(nostd::span<char, 2 * kSize> buffer) const noexcept { constexpr char kHex[] = "0123456789abcdef"; for (int i = 0; i < kSize; ++i) { buffer[i * 2 + 0] = kHex[(rep_[i] >> 4) & 0xF]; buffer[i * 2 + 1] = kHex[(rep_[i] >> 0) & 0xF]; } } // Returns a nostd::span of the ID. nostd::span<const uint8_t, kSize> Id() const noexcept { return nostd::span<const uint8_t, kSize>(rep_); } bool operator==(const TraceId &that) const noexcept { return memcmp(rep_, that.rep_, kSize) == 0; } bool operator!=(const TraceId &that) const noexcept { return !(*this == that); } // Returns false if the TraceId is all zeros. bool IsValid() const noexcept { return *this != TraceId(); } // Copies the opaque TraceId data to dest. void CopyBytesTo(nostd::span<uint8_t, kSize> dest) const noexcept { memcpy(dest.data(), rep_, kSize); } private: uint8_t rep_[kSize]; }; } // namespace trace OPENTELEMETRY_END_NAMESPACE

这段代码是OpenTelemetry的C++ SDK中的TraceId类的实现。TraceId是一个128位的追踪标识符,它在整个追踪过程中保持不变。有效的TraceId是一个至少有一个非零字节的16字节数组。 TraceId类提供了以下方法: - TraceId()构造函数:创建一个无效的TraceId对象,所有字节都为0。 - TraceId(nostd::span<const uint8_t, kSize> id)构造函数:使用给定的ID创建一个TraceId对象。 - ToLowerBase16(nostd::span<char, 2 * kSize> buffer)方法:将TraceId对象转换为小写的base16表示,并将结果存储在buffer中。 - Id()方法:返回一个nostd::span对象,表示TraceId对象的字节。 - IsValid()方法:检查TraceId对象是否有效。 - CopyBytesTo(nostd::span<uint8_t, kSize> dest)方法:将TraceId对象的字节复制到dest中。 TraceId类的实现使用了C++11的特性,如constexpr、noexcept、nostd::span等。它的实现比较简单,主要是对字节数组进行复制、比较、转换等操作。


第一部份#include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <stack> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> #include <exception> #include <climits> #include <array> #include <cstdint> #include <string> using namespace std; class T { public: virtual bool isOperator() = 0; virtual ~T() {} }; class ValueToken : public T { public: long long value; long long get_value() { return value; } virtual bool isOperator() { return false; } explicit ValueToken(long long val) : value(val) {} }; class OperatorToken : public T { public: enum OpType { BGN = 0, END, ADD, MNS, NEG, MUL, DIV, POW, LBK, RBK } optr; virtual bool isOperator() { return true; } char get_char() { switch (optr) { case BGN: return '@'; case END: return '$'; case ADD: return '+'; case MNS: return '-'; case NEG: return '#'; case MUL: return '*'; case DIV: return '/'; case POW: return '^'; case LBK: return '('; case RBK: return ')'; default: return '?'; } } explicit OperatorToken(OperatorToken::OpType op) : optr(op) {} bool is_prior(const OperatorToken& r) { return prior_table[this->optr][r.optr]; } static bool prior_table[10][10]; }; bool OperatorToken::prior_table[10][10] = { //BGN, END, ADD, MNS, NEG, MUL, DIV, POW, LBK, RBK {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},//BGN {1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},//END {1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0},//ADD {1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0},//MNS {1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0},//NEG {1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0},//MUL {1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0},//DIV {1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0},//POW {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0},//LBK {1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0},//RBK };

请解释下这段代码namespace cros { // FaceTracker takes a set of face data produced by FaceDetector as input, // filters the input, and produces the bounding rectangle that encloses the // filtered input. class FaceTracker { public: struct Options { // The dimension of the active sensory array in pixels. Used for normalizing // the input face coordinates. Size active_array_dimension; // The dimension of the active stream that will be cropped. Used for // translating the ROI coordinates in the active array space. Size active_stream_dimension; // The threshold in ms for including a newly detected face for tracking. int face_phase_in_threshold_ms = 3000; // The threshold in ms for excluding a face that's no longer detected for // tracking. int face_phase_out_threshold_ms = 2000; // The angle range [|pan_angle_range|, -|pan_angle_range|] in degrees used // to determine if a face is looking at the camera. float pan_angle_range = 30.0f; }; explicit FaceTracker(const Options& options); ~FaceTracker() = default; FaceTracker(FaceTracker& other) = delete; FaceTracker& operator=(FaceTracker& other) = delete; // Callback for when new face data are ready. void OnNewFaceData(const std::vector<human_sensing::CrosFace>& faces); // The all the rectangles of all the detected faces. std::vector<Rect<float>> GetActiveFaceRectangles() const; // Gets the rectangle than encloses all the detected faces. Returns a // normalized rectangle in [0.0, 1.0] x [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the active // stream dimension. Rect<float> GetActiveBoundingRectangleOnActiveStream() const; void OnOptionsUpdated(const base::Value& json_values); private: struct FaceState { Rect<float> normalized_bounding_box = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; base::TimeTicks first_detected_ticks; base::TimeTicks last_detected_ticks; bool has_attention = false; }; Options options_; std::vector<FaceState> faces_; }; } // namespace cros



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