时间: 2024-11-07 11:13:37 浏览: 107
1. 定义Delta机器人模型:首先需要定义机器人的几何结构,包括臂长和关节位置等信息。假设我们有三个关节,分别对应三个杆段。
% Delta robot parameters
L1 = 0.5; % length of arm 1
L2 = 0.5; % length of arm 2
L3 = 0.5; % length of arm 3
% Joint positions (in radians)
theta = [thetas(1); thetas(2); thetas(3)];
2. 创建姿态矩阵:基于末端坐标(x, y, z)和旋转(R),构建姿态矩阵T。
% End-effector pose (x, y, z) and rotation matrix (R)
ee_pose = [x; y; z];
R = rotmat(thetas); % Rotation matrix from joint angles to end effector
% Pose matrix
T = [R eye(3); ee_pose zeros(1,3)];
3. 运动学逆解函数:这里通常使用迭代算法如Levenberg-Marquardt方法求解。这个函数接收姿态矩阵和期望的末端位置作为输入,并返回关节角度的估计值。
function theta_guess = inverse_kinematics(T_desired)
% Initial guess for joint angles
theta_guess = zeros(3,1);
% Optimization function with levenberg-marquardt algorithm
options = optimoptions('levenbergmarquardt', 'Display', 'off');
x0 = fminsearch(@(theta) norm(end_pose_from_theta(L1, L2, L3, theta) - T_desired(:, 1:3)), theta_guess, options);
% Call the function with desired pose
desired_pose = ... % Your desired end-effector pose here
theta_est = inverse_kinematics(desired_pose);