人狼羊菜过河 python
时间: 2024-05-24 17:08:54 浏览: 207
以下是人狼羊菜过河的 Python 实现示例:
# 定义初始状态
start = {'people': 1, 'wolf': 1, 'sheep': 1, 'vegetable': 1, 'boat': 0}
# 定义目标状态
goal = {'people': 0, 'wolf': 0, 'sheep': 0, 'vegetable': 0, 'boat': 1}
# 定义移动函数
def move(state, p, q):
new_state = state.copy()
new_state['people'] -= p
new_state['wolf'] -= q
new_state['sheep'] += q
new_state['vegetable'] += p
new_state['boat'] = 1 - state['boat']
return new_state
# 定义判断函数
def is_valid(state):
if state['wolf'] == state['sheep'] and state['people'] != state['wolf']:
return False
if state['sheep'] == state['vegetable'] and state['people'] != state['sheep']:
return False
return True
# 定义搜索函数
def search(start, goal):
visited = set()
queue = [[start]]
while queue:
path = queue.pop(0)
last_state = path[-1]
if last_state == goal:
return path
for p in range(2):
for q in range(2):
if p + q == 0 or p + q == 2:
new_state = move(last_state, p, q)
if is_valid(new_state) and tuple(new_state.items()) not in visited:
new_path = path + [new_state]
# 运行搜索函数并输出结果
result = search(start, goal)
for state in result: