时间: 2023-12-23 07:02:59 浏览: 132
范例:<<引用:T2F.m function [f,sf]= T2F(t,st) %利用FFT计算信号的频谱并与信号的真实频谱的抽样比较。 %脚本文件T2F.m定义了函数T2F,计算信号的傅立叶变换。 %This is a function using the FFT function to calculate a signal Fourier %Translation %Input is the time and the signal vectors,the length of time must greater %than 2 %Output is the frequency and the signal spectrum dt = t(2)-t(1); T=t(end); df = 1/T; N = length(st); f=-N/2*df : df : N/2*df-df; sf = fft(st); sf = T/N*fftshift(sf); 。引用:lpf.m function [t,st]=lpf(f,sf,B) %This function filter an input data using a lowpass filter %Inputs: f: frequency samples % sf: input data spectrum samples % B: lowpass bandwidth with a rectangle lowpass %Outputs: t: time samples % st: output data time samples df = f(2)-f(1); T = 1/df; hf = zeros(1,length(f));%全零矩阵 bf = [-floor( B/df ): floor( B/df )] + floor( length(f)/2 ); hf(bf)=1; yf=hf.*sf; [t,st]=F2T(f,yf); st = real(st);。
请回答我或者给我介绍或演示一下: s_dsb=mt.*cos(2*pi*fc*t)的含义是什么?