请详细解释下面这段代码select isname, count(distinct model_code) from dim_udo_model_dim_asset group by isname select '全产业' isname, count(distinct model_code) from dim_udo_model_dim_asset select * from dim_udo_model_dim_asset limit 100 custname -- 供应商 factory_name 工厂 with a01 as ( select case when prodlinename in ('冷柜', '冰箱') then '制冷' when prodlinename in ('商空', '智慧楼宇') then '智慧楼宇' when prodlinename in ('家空') then '空调' else prodlinename end industry, mouldno mould_code, factory_name, city, custcode, custname from tt_hmzy_haier_mould_iot_fenqu a left join dim_udo_model_dim_asset b on a.mouldno = b.model_code where prodlinename in('冷柜', '冰箱', '商空', '家空', '厨电', '洗涤', '热水器', '智慧楼宇') ), b01 as( select '20230602' code, industry, count(mould_code) mould_num from a01 group by industry ) select a.*,b.* from b01 a left join (select '20230602' code, '全产线' industry, count(distinct mould_code) mould_num from a01 ) b on a.code = b.code

时间: 2024-02-15 14:27:46 浏览: 19
这段代码是一个 SQL 查询语句,目的是对 dim_udo_model_dim_asset 表中的数据进行统计和分组,并且通过两个子查询和一个 JOIN 操作,将统计结果进行汇总。 查询语句的具体含义如下: - 第一条 SQL 语句:统计 dim_udo_model_dim_asset 表中,每个 isname 值对应的 model_code 值的去重数量,并且按照 isname 进行分组。 - 第二条 SQL 语句:统计 dim_udo_model_dim_asset 表中,所有 model_code 值的去重数量。 - 第三条 SQL 语句:查询 dim_udo_model_dim_asset 表前 100 条数据,其中包括 custname、factory_name 字段,但是并没有使用。 - 第四条 SQL 语句:定义一个子查询 a01,查询 tt_hmzy_haier_mould_iot_fenqu 表和 dim_udo_model_dim_asset 表的共同数据,通过 case when 语句将 prodlinename 转换为 industry 字段,并且对 mouldno、factory_name、city、custcode、custname 字段进行查询和筛选。 - 第五条 SQL 语句:定义一个子查询 b01,将 a01 查询结果按照 industry 分组,统计每个 industry 值对应的 mould_code 值的数量。 - 第六条 SQL 语句:将 a01 和 b01 的查询结果进行 JOIN 操作,按照 code 字段进行关联,在结果集中显示 a01 和 b01 的所有字段,并且将 b01 中 industry 为 “全产线” 的 mould_num 显示在 a01 的结果集中。 总结来说,这段 SQL 查询语句是一个比较复杂的统计报表,通过多个子查询和 JOIN 操作,对原始数据进行了多个维度的统计和分组,得出了比较详细的统计结果。


请以最详细的方式解释这段代码with a0 as ( select distinct model_code, case when isname in ('冷柜', '冰箱') then '制冷' when isname in ('商空','智慧楼宇') then '智慧楼宇' when isname in ('家空') then '空调' else isname end isname, curstatus, mtname from dh_yf.dim_udo_model_dim where isname in('冷柜', '冰箱', '商空', '家空', '热水器', '洗涤', '厨电','智慧楼宇') and curstatus = '在用' ), a1 as ( select model_code, drsj, row_number() over(partition by model_code order by drsj asc) as top from dh_yf.dwd_model_db_al where drsj is not null and drsj <> '' ), a2 as ( select model_code as code, drsj from a1 where top = 1 ), a3 as ( select a.model_code, isname, curstatus, mtname, b.drsj, b.code from a0 a left join a2 b on a.model_code=b.code ), a4 as( select model_code, isname, curstatus, mtname, drsj from a3 where code is null ), a5 as ( select model_code, isname, curstatus, mtname, drsj from a3 where code is not null and mtname in('吸附发泡','泡沫') and datediff( from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'), from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(drsj, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy-MM-dd') ) > 365 union all select model_code, isname, curstatus, mtname, drsj from a3 where code is not null and mtname not in('吸附发泡','泡沫') and datediff( from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'), from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(drsj, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy-MM-dd') ) > 365*3 ) insert OVERWRITE table dh_yf.tg_dim_udo_model_bf select model_code, isname, curstatus, mtname, drsj from a4 union select model_code, isname, curstatus, mtname, drsj from a5



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