prize_pool = ( { "unique_id": 1001, "desc": "定制高品阶流星泪", "only_log": True,
时间: 2023-11-06 17:07:32 浏览: 71
"prize": { "name": "流星泪", "quality": "高品阶", "customized": True }, "quantity": 1, "value": 50000 }, { "unique_id": 1002, "desc": "限量版电竞椅", "only_log": False, "prize": { "name": "电竞椅", "quality": "限量版", "customized": False }, "quantity": 1, "value": 10000 }, { "unique_id": 1003, "desc": "华为P40 Pro", "only_log": False, "prize": { "name": "华为P40 Pro", "quality": "高端", "customized": False }, "quantity": 1, "value": 8000 } )
This is a dictionary containing information about the prize pool for a contest. The dictionary has three items, each representing a prize that can be won. Each item contains information about the prize, such as its name, quality, and value. The "unique_id" key is used to identify each prize. The "only_log" key is used to indicate whether or not the prize should only be logged and not physically given to the winner.