Instead of using a text file to save all the point coordinates one by one, change the savaData method and the constructor of the Model class to use object serialization and a binary file called "points.bin" to write / read the whole arraylist of points to / from the file in one operation. Use the Test class to run all the tests for the software and check that all the tests still work. Use the Start class to run the software and check that closing the software correctly saves the arraylist of points in the file "points.bin" (you can find the file in the folder for your current project but it is a binary file so you will not be able to read its content). Run the software again and check that all the points from the previous run are correctly displayed.

时间: 2023-07-02 13:05:46 浏览: 140
Sure, I understand the requirements. Instead of using a text file, we will use object serialization to read/write the ArrayList of points from/to a binary file called "points.bin". Here are the changes that we need to make in the code: 1. In the Model class, we need to implement Serializable interface and add a method called "saveDataUsingSerialization" which will use ObjectOutputStream to write the whole ArrayList of points to the binary file: ```java public void saveDataUsingSerialization() throws IOException { ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("points.bin")); out.writeObject(pointsList); out.close(); } ``` 2. In the Model constructor, we need to check if the binary file "points.bin" exists. If it exists, we will read the whole ArrayList of points from the file using ObjectInputStream and assign it to the "pointsList" variable: ```java public Model() { pointsList = new ArrayList<Point>(); File file = new File("points.bin"); if (file.exists()) { try { ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("points.bin")); pointsList = (ArrayList<Point>) in.readObject(); in.close(); } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } ``` 3. In the Test class, we need to modify the testSaveData method to use the new saveDataUsingSerialization method: ```java @Test public void testSaveData() { Model model = new Model(); model.addPoint(new Point(1, 2)); model.addPoint(new Point(3, 4)); try { model.saveDataUsingSerialization(); model.clearPoints(); model.loadDataUsingSerialization(); assertEquals(2, model.getPointsList().size()); assertEquals(new Point(1, 2), model.getPointsList().get(0)); assertEquals(new Point(3, 4), model.getPointsList().get(1)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ``` 4. In the Start class, we need to override the stop method to call the new saveDataUsingSerialization method to save the ArrayList of points to the binary file: ```java @Override public void stop() throws Exception { super.stop(); model.saveDataUsingSerialization(); } ``` After making these changes, we can run the Test class and Start class to verify that all the tests are passing and the software is correctly reading and writing the ArrayList of points to the binary file.


代码We now want to always redraw all the points that have ever been drawn in the panel, not just the last point. To do this, we must save the coordinates of all these points so that we can redraw them all one by one in the paintComponent method every time this method is called. To save the coordinates of the various mouse positions we click, replace the x and y instance variables of the MyPanel class with a single private instance variable called points of type ArrayList. The Point class is provided to you by Swing. In the constructor of MyPanel, initialize the points instance variable with a new arraylist object of the same type. In the mouseClicked method of the mouse listener, use the getPoint method of the mouse event object to get a Point object representing the position of the mouse click (that Point object internally stores both the x and y coordinates of the mouse click event). Then add this Point object to the arraylist using the arraylist’s add method. Then, in the paintComponent method, add a loop to draw in the panel all the points of the arraylist. You can get the number of elements in the arraylist by using the size method of the arraylist; you can access a specific element of the arraylist at index i by using the get(i) method of the arraylist (element indexes start at zero in an arraylist). The Point class has getX and getY methods to get the coordinates of the point (these two methods return values of type double so you need to cast the returned values into the int type before you can use them to draw a point).

根据以下要求:Instead of using a binary file to save the arraylist of points, change the savaData method and the constructor of the Model class to use a database to write / read the coordinates of all the points. Use XAMPP and phpMyAdmin to create a database called "java" with a table called "points" that has two integer columns x and y (in addition to the ID primary key). Hint: make sure you delete all the old point coordinates from the database before inserting new ones. Hint: use phpMyAdmin to check what is stored in the database. Use the Test class to run all the tests for the software and check that all the tests still work. Use the Start class to run the software and check that closing the software correctly saves the point coordinates in the database (use phpMyAdmin to check the content of the database). Run the software again and check that all the points from the previous run are correctly displayed,修改下述代码:public class Model implements Serializable { private ArrayList points; private ArrayList<ModelListener> listeners; private static final String FILE_NAME = "points.bin"; public Model() { points = new ArrayList(); listeners = new ArrayList<ModelListener>(); // Read points from file if it exists File file = new File(FILE_NAME); if (file.exists()) { try { ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); points = (ArrayList) in.readObject(); in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void addListener(ModelListener l) { listeners.add(l); } public ArrayList getPoints() { return points; } public void addPoint(Point p) { points.add(p); notifyListeners(); // points changed so notify the listeners. saveData(); // save point to file } public void clearAllPoints() { points.clear(); notifyListeners(); // points changed so notify the listeners. saveData(); // save empty list to file } public void deleteLastPoint() { if (points.size() > 0) { points.remove(points.size() - 1); notifyListeners(); // points changed so notify the listeners. saveData(); // save updated list to file } } private void notifyListeners() { for (ModelListener l : listeners) { l.update(); // Tell the listener that something changed. } } public int numberOfPoints() { return points.size(); } public void saveData() { try { ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(FILE_NAME)); out.writeObject(points); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }

帮我写出以下java代码:Add a class Bubble that extends Shape. The Bubble class has an instance variable called radius of type double that represents the radius of the bubble. The constructor of the Bubble class takes an x and a y as arguments, which represent the position of the new bubble. The radius of a new bubble is always 10 and never changes after that. The isVisible method indicates whether the bubble is currently visible inside a window of width w and height h (position (0, 0) is in the upper-left corner of the window). The bubble is considered visible if at least one pixel of the bubble is visible. Therefore a bubble might be visible even when its center is outside the window, as long as the edge of the bubble is still visible inside the window. The code of the isVisible method is a little bit complex, mostly because of the case where the center of the circle is just outside one of the corners of the window. So here is the code of the isVisible method, which you can directly copy-paste into your assignment: // Find the point (wx, wy) inside the window which is closest to the // center (x, y) of the circle. In other words, find the wx in the // interval [0, w - 1] which is closest to x, and find the wy in the // interval [0, h - 1] which is closest to y. // If the distance between (wx, wy) and (x, y) is less than the radius // of the circle (using Pythagoras's theorem) then at least part of // the circle is visible in the window. // Note: if the center of the circle is inside the window, then (wx, wy) // is the same as (x, y), and the distance is 0. public boolean isVisible(int w, int h) { double x = getX(); double y = getY(); double wx = (x < 0 ? 0 : (x > w - 1 ? w - 1 : x)); double wy = (y < 0 ? 0 : (y > h - 1 ? h - 1 : y)); double dx = wx - x; double dy = wy - y; return dx * dx + dy * dy <= radius * radius; } The isIn method indicates whether the point at coordinates (x, y) (which are the arguments of the method) is currently inside the bubble or not. The edge of the bubble counts as being inside of the bubble. HINT: use Pythagoras's theorem to compute the distance from the center of the bubble to the point (x, y). The draw method uses the graphics object g to draw the bubble. HINT: remember that the color of the graphics object g is changed in the draw method of the superclass of Bubble. Also add a testBubble method to test all your methods (including inherited methods, but excluding the isVisible method, which I provide, and excluding the draw method since it requires as argument a graphics object g that you

帮我写出以下java代码:The clearInvisibles method takes as argument the width w and the height h of the window, and deletes from the arraylist of bubbles any bubble which is not visible in the window anymore. For each bubble which is deleted, the score decreases by 1. WARNING: when you use the remove method of Java’s ArrayList class to remove an element of an arraylist at index i, the arraylist immediately shifts down by one position all the elements with higher indexes to make the arraylist one element shorter. So, for example, when removing the element at index i, the element at index i+1 immediately moves to the position at index i, the element at index i+2 immediately moves to the position at index i+1, etc. This means that on the next iteration of the loop, when i has become i+1, the element that you will be testing at index i+1 is in fact the element that used to be at index i+2. Which means that the element that used to be at index i+1 (and which is now at index i) will never be tested! Therefore, when removing elements from an arraylist, if your loop starts at index 0 and goes up the indexes in the arraylist, then your loop will fail to test some elements! CONCLUSION: when removing elements from an arraylist, your loop must start from the END of the arraylist and go DOWN to index 0. The deleteBubblesAtPoint method takes as argument the coordinates (x, y) of a point, and deletes from the arraylist of bubbles any bubble which contains this point (multiple bubbles might contain the point, because bubbles can overlap in the window). For each bubble which is deleted, the score increases by 1. The drawAll method draws all the bubbles in the arraylist of bubbles. Make sure you test as many methods of the Model class as poss




1.版本:matlab2022A,包含仿真操作录像,中文注释,操作录像使用windows media player播放。 2.领域:Stewart平台 3.仿真效果:仿真效果可以参考博客同名文章《六自由度Stewart平台的matlab模拟与仿真》 4.内容:六自由度Stewart平台的matlab模拟与仿真。六自由度Stewart平台通过独立调整六根作动筒的长度(即活塞杆伸出量),能够实现上平台相对于下平台在三维空间中的平移(沿X、Y、Z轴的直线移动)以及绕三个正交轴的旋转(俯仰、偏航、滚转)。这种并联机构的设计使得平台能够在六个自由度上同时进行精确、快速且平稳的运动控制。 5.注意事项:注意MATLAB左侧当前文件夹路径,必须是程序所在文件夹位置,具体可以参考视频录。



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Cyclone IV硬件配置详细文档解析

Cyclone IV是Altera公司(现为英特尔旗下公司)的一款可编程逻辑设备,属于Cyclone系列FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)的一部分。作为硬件设计师,全面了解Cyclone IV配置文档至关重要,因为这直接影响到硬件设计的成功与否。配置文档通常会涵盖器件的详细架构、特性和配置方法,是设计过程中的关键参考材料。 首先,Cyclone IV FPGA拥有灵活的逻辑单元、存储器块和DSP(数字信号处理)模块,这些是设计高效能、低功耗的电子系统的基石。Cyclone IV系列包括了Cyclone IV GX和Cyclone IV E两个子系列,它们在特性上各有侧重,适用于不同应用场景。 在阅读Cyclone IV配置文档时,以下知识点需要重点关注: 1. 设备架构与逻辑资源: - 逻辑单元(LE):这是构成FPGA逻辑功能的基本单元,可以配置成组合逻辑和时序逻辑。 - 嵌入式存储器:包括M9K(9K比特)和M144K(144K比特)两种大小的块式存储器,适用于数据缓存、FIFO缓冲区和小规模RAM。 - DSP模块:提供乘法器和累加器,用于实现数字信号处理的算法,比如卷积、滤波等。 - PLL和时钟网络:时钟管理对性能和功耗至关重要,Cyclone IV提供了可配置的PLL以生成高质量的时钟信号。 2. 配置与编程: - 配置模式:文档会介绍多种配置模式,如AS(主动串行)、PS(被动串行)、JTAG配置等。 - 配置文件:在编程之前必须准备好适合的配置文件,该文件通常由Quartus II等软件生成。 - 非易失性存储器配置:Cyclone IV FPGA可使用非易失性存储器进行配置,这些配置在断电后不会丢失。 3. 性能与功耗: - 性能参数:配置文档将详细说明该系列FPGA的最大工作频率、输入输出延迟等性能指标。 - 功耗管理:Cyclone IV采用40nm工艺,提供了多级节能措施。在设计时需要考虑静态和动态功耗,以及如何利用各种低功耗模式。 4. 输入输出接口: - I/O标准:支持多种I/O标准,如LVCMOS、LVTTL、HSTL等,文档会说明如何选择和配置适合的I/O标准。 - I/O引脚:每个引脚的多功能性也是重要考虑点,文档会详细解释如何根据设计需求进行引脚分配和配置。 5. 软件工具与开发支持: - Quartus II软件:这是设计和配置Cyclone IV FPGA的主要软件工具,文档会介绍如何使用该软件进行项目设置、编译、仿真以及调试。 - 硬件支持:除了软件工具,文档还可能包含有关Cyclone IV开发套件和评估板的信息,这些硬件平台可以加速产品原型开发和测试。 6. 应用案例和设计示例: - 实际应用:文档中可能包含针对特定应用的案例研究,如视频处理、通信接口、高速接口等。 - 设计示例:为了降低设计难度,文档可能会提供一些设计示例,它们可以帮助设计者快速掌握如何使用Cyclone IV FPGA的各项特性。 由于文件列表中包含了三个具体的PDF文件,它们可能分别是针对Cyclone IV FPGA系列不同子型号的特定配置指南,或者是覆盖了特定的设计主题,例如“cyiv-51010.pdf”可能包含了针对Cyclone IV E型号的详细配置信息,“cyiv-5v1.pdf”可能是版本1的配置文档,“cyiv-51008.pdf”可能是关于Cyclone IV GX型号的配置指导。为获得完整的技术细节,硬件设计师应当仔细阅读这三个文件,并结合产品手册和用户指南。 以上信息是Cyclone IV FPGA配置文档的主要知识点,系统地掌握这些内容对于完成高效的设计至关重要。硬件设计师必须深入理解文档内容,并将其应用到实际的设计过程中,以确保最终产品符合预期性能和功能要求。


# 摘要 本论文深入探讨了WinCC与Excel集成的基础概念、理论基础和实践操作,并进一步分析了高级应用以及实际案例。在理论部分,文章详细阐述了集成的必要性和优势,介绍了基于OPC的通信机制及不同的数据交互模式,包括DDE技术、VBA应用和OLE DB数据访问方法。实践操作章节中,着重讲解了实现通信的具体步骤,包括DDE通信、VBA的使


### 配置华为设备模拟互联网IP地址 #### 一、进入接口配置模式并分配IP地址 为了使华为设备能够模拟互联网连接,需先为指定的物理或逻辑接口设置有效的公网IP地址。这通常是在广域网(WAN)侧执行的操作。 ```shell [Huawei]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 # 进入特定接口配置视图[^3] [Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/0]ip address X.X.X.X Y.Y.Y.Y # 设置IP地址及其子网掩码,其中X代表具体的IPv4地址,Y表示对应的子网掩码位数 ``` 这里的`GigabitEth


标题和描述中提到的知识点主要是关于使用Java语言实现一个简单的游戏,并且重点在于游戏地图的控制。在游戏开发中,地图控制是基础而重要的部分,它涉及到游戏世界的设计、玩家的移动、视图的显示等等。接下来,我们将详细探讨Java在游戏开发中地图控制的相关知识点。 1. Java游戏开发基础 Java是一种广泛用于企业级应用和Android应用开发的编程语言,但它的应用范围也包括游戏开发。Java游戏开发主要通过Java SE平台实现,也可以通过Java ME针对移动设备开发。使用Java进行游戏开发,可以利用Java提供的丰富API、跨平台特性以及强大的图形和声音处理能力。 2. 游戏循环 游戏循环是游戏开发中的核心概念,它控制游戏的每一帧(frame)更新。在Java中实现游戏循环一般会使用一个while或for循环,不断地进行游戏状态的更新和渲染。游戏循环的效率直接影响游戏的流畅度。 3. 地图控制 游戏中的地图控制包括地图的加载、显示以及玩家在地图上的移动控制。Java游戏地图通常由一系列的图像层构成,比如背景层、地面层、对象层等,这些图层需要根据游戏逻辑进行加载和切换。 4. 视图管理 视图管理是指游戏世界中,玩家能看到的部分。在地图控制中,视图通常是指玩家的视野,它需要根据玩家位置动态更新,确保玩家看到的是当前相关场景。使用Java实现视图管理时,可以使用Java的AWT和Swing库来创建窗口和绘制图形。 5. 事件处理 Java游戏开发中的事件处理机制允许对玩家的输入进行响应。例如,当玩家按下键盘上的某个键或者移动鼠标时,游戏需要响应这些事件,并更新游戏状态,如移动玩家角色或执行其他相关操作。 6. 游戏开发工具 虽然Java提供了强大的开发环境,但通常为了提升开发效率和方便管理游戏资源,开发者会使用一些专门的游戏开发框架或工具。常见的Java游戏开发框架有LibGDX、LWJGL(轻量级Java游戏库)等。 7. 游戏地图的编程实现 在编程实现游戏地图时,通常需要以下几个步骤: - 定义地图结构:包括地图的大小、图块(Tile)的尺寸、地图层级等。 - 加载地图数据:从文件(如图片或自定义的地图文件)中加载地图数据。 - 地图渲染:在屏幕上绘制地图,可能需要对地图进行平滑滚动(scrolling)、缩放(scaling)等操作。 - 碰撞检测:判断玩家或其他游戏对象是否与地图中的特定对象发生碰撞,以决定是否阻止移动等。 - 地图切换:实现不同地图间的切换逻辑。 8. JavaTest01示例 虽然提供的信息中没有具体文件内容,但假设"javaTest01"是Java项目或源代码文件的名称。在这样的示例中,"javaTest01"可能包含了一个或多个类(Class),这些类中包含了实现地图控制逻辑的主要代码。例如,可能存在一个名为GameMap的类负责加载和渲染地图,另一个类GameController负责处理游戏循环和玩家输入等。 通过上述知识点,我们可以看出实现一个简单的Java游戏地图控制不仅需要对Java语言有深入理解,还需要掌握游戏开发相关的概念和技巧。在具体开发过程中,还需要参考相关文档和API,以及可能使用的游戏开发框架和工具的使用指南。


# 摘要 本文全面探讨了超市销售数据分析的方法与应用,从数据的准备、预处理到探索性数据分析,再到销售预测与市场分析,最后介绍高级数据分析技术在销售领域的应用。通过详细的章节阐述,本文着重于数据收集、清洗、转换、可视化和关联规则挖掘等关键步骤。

在ubuntu中安装ros时出现updating datebase of manual pages...怎么解决

在Ubuntu中安装ROS时如果遇到“updating database of manual pages”的提示,并不是错误信息,而是系统正在更新命令手册数据库的一部分正常过程。这个步骤是为了确保所有已安装软件包的文档都被正确索引并可供访问。 但是如果你觉得该进程卡住或花费了异常长的时间,你可以尝试以下几个解决方案: 1. **强制终止此操作**:可以先按Ctrl+C停止当前命令,然后继续下一步骤;不过这不是推荐的做法,因为这可能会导致部分文件未完成配置。 2. **检查磁盘空间**:确认是否有足够的硬盘空间可用,有时这个问题可能是由于存储不足引起的。 ```bash

Laravel Monobullet Monolog处理与Pushbullet API通知集成

在探讨Laravel开发与Monobullet时,我们首先需要明确几个关键知识点:Laravel框架、Monolog处理程序以及Pushbullet API。Laravel是一个流行的PHP Web应用开发框架,它为开发者提供了快速构建现代Web应用的工具和资源。Monolog是一个流行的PHP日志处理库,它提供了灵活的日志记录能力,而Pushbullet是一个允许用户通过API推送通知到不同设备的在线服务。结合这些组件,Monobullet提供了一种将Laravel应用中的日志事件通过Pushbullet API发送通知的方式。 Laravel框架是当前非常受欢迎的一个PHP Web开发框架,它遵循MVC架构模式,并且具备一系列开箱即用的功能,如路由、模板引擎、身份验证、会话管理等。它大大简化了Web应用开发流程,让开发者可以更关注于应用逻辑的实现,而非底层细节。Laravel框架本身对Monolog进行了集成,允许开发者通过配置文件指定日志记录方式,Monolog则负责具体的日志记录工作。 Monolog处理程序是一种日志处理器,它被广泛用于记录应用运行中的各种事件,包括错误、警告以及调试信息。Monolog支持多种日志处理方式,如将日志信息写入文件、发送到网络、存储到数据库等。Monolog的这些功能,使得开发者能够灵活地记录和管理应用的运行日志,从而更容易地追踪和调试问题。 Pushbullet API是一个强大的服务API,允许开发者将其服务集成到自己的应用程序中,实现向设备推送通知的功能。这个API允许用户通过发送HTTP请求的方式,将通知、链接、文件等信息推送到用户的手机、平板或电脑上。这为开发者提供了一种实时、跨平台的通信方式。 结合以上技术,Monobullet作为一个Laravel中的Monolog处理程序,通过Pushbullet API实现了在Laravel应用中对日志事件的实时通知推送。具体实现时,开发者需要在Laravel的配置文件中指定使用Monobullet作为日志处理器,并配置Pushbullet API的密钥和目标设备等信息。一旦配置完成,每当Laravel应用中触发了Monolog记录的日志事件时,Monobullet就会自动将这些事件作为通知推送到开发者指定的设备上,实现了即时的事件通知功能。 Monobullet项目在其GitHub仓库(Monobullet-master)中,通常会包含若干代码文件,这些文件通常包括核心的Monobullet类库、配置文件以及可能的示例代码和安装说明。开发者可以从GitHub上克隆或下载该项目,然后将其集成到自己的Laravel项目中,进行必要的配置和自定义开发,以适应特定的日志处理和通知推送需求。 综上所述,使用Monobullet可以大大增强Laravel应用的可监控性和实时响应能力,对于需要实时监控应用状态的场景尤其有用。它通过在后端应用中集成日志记录和通知推送功能,为开发人员提供了更为高效和便捷的管理方式。