for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { let elem = jQuery('<div>', { class: 'rectangle', style: 'top: ' + parseInt(Math.random() * topM) + 'px; left: ' + parseInt(Math.random() * leftM) + 'px' }); wrapper.append(elem); elem.hover(() => { elem.css("background-color", "rgb(" + getRandomChanel() + ", " + getRandomChanel() + ", " + getRandomChanel() + ")") }) }什么意思
时间: 2024-01-18 22:02:27 浏览: 68
1. 使用jQuery创建一个div元素,设置类名为'rectangle',并随机生成样式属性的top和left值,然后将其保存在elem变量中。
2. 将elem元素添加到wrapper元素中。
3. 为elem元素添加一个hover事件,当鼠标移动到该元素上时,将其背景颜色设置为随机生成的RGB颜色。
void fun2(SeqList *1,int e) {LinkQueue q;q= InitQueueO; for (i=0; i<l->listlength; i++) if (1->elem[i] != e) AddQueue(&q,l->elem[i]); 1->listlength= 1->listlength-1; for (i=0; i< 1->listlength; i++) 1->elem[i]= DeleteQueue(&q); }算法的功能
q, 1->elem[i]); while (!QueueEmpty(q)) {printf("%d ",FrontQueue(q));DeleteQueue(q);} printf("\n");}
This code defines a function named "fun2" that takes in a pointer to a SeqList (which is a structure containing an array of integers and some other information) and an integer "e".
The function initializes a LinkQueue named "q" using the function InitQueueO, which is not provided in this code snippet. The function then iterates over the elements in the SeqList (denoted by "1"), checking to see which elements are not equal to "e". For each element that is not equal to "e", the function adds that element to the queue "q" using the function AddQueue.
Once all of the elements in the SeqList have been processed, the function enters a loop that continues while "q" is not empty. In each iteration of the loop, the function prints the front element of the queue using the function FrontQueue, which returns the value of the front element without removing it. The function then removes the front element from the queue using the function DeleteQueue.
After all of the elements have been printed and removed from the queue, the function prints a newline character ("\n").
void Merge(int elem[],int tmp[],int low,int mid,int high){ int i=low,j=mid+1; int m=mid,n=high; int k=low; while(i<=m&&j<=n){ if(elem[i]<elem[j]){ tmp[k++]=elem[i++]; } else tmp[k++]=elem[j++]; } while(i<=m)tmp[k++]=elem[i++]; while(j<=n)tmp[k++]=elem[j++]; for(i=low;i<=high;i++){ elem[i]=tmp[i]; } }