请帮我写一个matlab函数,这个函数的功能是通过:移动性模型RWP(Random Waypoint Models)生成n个用户的移动轨迹,函数的输入(width,long)可以限定移动的区域
时间: 2023-06-10 11:04:32 浏览: 93
好的,我可以为您编写这个 Matlab 函数。以下是代码示例:
function trajectories = generateRWP(n, width, long)
% Function to generate n user trajectories using the Random Waypoint (RWP) mobility model
% Inputs:
% - n: number of user trajectories to generate
% - width: width of the region of interest (ROI)
% - long: length of the ROI
% Output:
% - trajectories: a cell array of size n, containing the generated user trajectories
trajectories = cell(n,1); % initialize the output cell array
for i = 1:n % loop through all users
timesteps = randi([50, 100]); % randomly choose number of timesteps
x = randi([1, width]); % initialize x coordinate
y = randi([1, long]); % initialize y coordinate
vel = randi([1, 10]); % randomly choose velocity
trajectory = zeros(timesteps, 2); % initialize trajectory matrix
for j = 1:timesteps % loop through all timesteps
trajectory(j, :) = [x, y]; % record current location
if rand < 0.1 % with small probability, change velocity and direction
vel = randi([1, 10]);
dx = randi([-vel, vel]); % choose random x displacement
dy = randi([-vel, vel]); % choose random y displacement
x = max(1, min(x+dx, width)); % update x coordinate, ensuring it stays within ROI
y = max(1, min(y+dy, long)); % update y coordinate, ensuring it stays within ROI
trajectories{i} = trajectory; % store generated trajectory in cell array
这个函数使用 RWP 移动模型生成 n 个用户的移动轨迹。输入参数 `width` 和 `long` 用于限定移动区域的大小,生成的轨迹是在这个区域内随机移动的。输出是一个大小为 n 的 cell 数组,每个元素代表一个用户的移动轨迹,由一个时间戳和对应的位置坐标组成。请尝试调用这个函数并检查输出,看是否符合您的期望。