y_x0 = torch.autograd.grad(y, pt_x_in,grad_outputs=torch.ones_like(net(pt_x_in)),create_graph=True)[0]
时间: 2024-05-30 18:16:51 浏览: 243
0695-极智开发-解读pytorch中with torch.no-grad()的作用
This line of code computes the gradient of the output tensor 'y' with respect to the input tensor 'pt_x_in' using the backpropagation algorithm.
The 'grad_outputs' argument specifies the initial gradients to be used when computing the gradients of 'y' with respect to its inputs. Here, we set it to a tensor of ones with the same shape as the output of the neural network 'net(pt_x_in)'.
The 'create_graph' argument is set to 'True' to enable the computation of higher-order derivatives in subsequent calculations.
The resulting gradient tensor 'y_x0' will have the same shape as 'pt_x_in' and contains the gradients of 'y' with respect to each element of 'pt_x_in'.