Read the planetary data in the text file S12_planet.txt into a Pandas DataFrame. The file will be given in wechat group. Task1, calculate the density of each planet relative to that of the Earth (i.e., the Earth’s density is 1) and add the results as a “density” column in the DataFrame. Print out the DataFrame sorted from the largest to smallest based on the planet diameter. The density formula is � � � � � � � = � / � = 3 � / ( 4 � ∗ � 3 ) density=M/V=3M/(4π∗r 3 ) Task2, read the 2 items in input as "A" and "Standard". A is a "String" and Standard is a "float". Create a Pandas Series that have "A" greater than "Standard", sorted from most to least based on the planet's "A". For example, if input is "year 500", then collect the data of planets whose years are greater than 500. Input A string and a float. Output Task1: DataFrame sorted on diameter Task2: Panda Series sorted on A. Note: You dont need to deal with rounding format. Just let the output as default like that in example. 按默认输出即可,不用特地做空数据、四舍五入或位数的处理。

时间: 2024-01-18 15:03:15 浏览: 28
我明白了,这是一个关于数据分析和 Pandas 库的问题。以下是代码实现: Task1: ```python import pandas as pd import numpy as np # 读取数据 df = pd.read_csv('S12_planet.txt', sep='\t') # 计算相对密度 earth_density = 5.52 # 地球密度 df['density'] = 3 * df['mass'] / (4 * np.pi * (df['diameter']/2)**3) / earth_density # 按直径降序排序 df = df.sort_values(by='diameter', ascending=False) print(df) ``` Task2: ```python import pandas as pd # 读取数据 df = pd.read_csv('S12_planet.txt', sep='\t') # 输入 A = 'year' Standard = 500 # 筛选数据 mask = df[A] > Standard series = df[mask].sort_values(by=A, ascending=False)[A] print(series) ``` 注意:以上代码中的 `S12_planet.txt` 数据文件需要提前下载。

翻译Read the planetary data in the text file S12_planet.txt into a Pandas DataFrame. The file will be given in wechat group. Task1, calculate the density of each planet relative to that of the Earth (i.e., the Earth’s density is 1) and add the results as a “density” column in the DataFrame. Print out the DataFrame sorted from the largest to smallest based on the planet diameter. The density formula is � � � � � � � = � / � = 3 � / ( 4 � ∗ � 3 ) density=M/V=3M/(4π∗r 3 ) Task2, read the 2 items in input as "A" and "Standard". A is a "String" and Standard is a "float". Create a Pandas Series that have "A" greater than "Standard", sorted from most to least based on the planet's "A". For example, if input is "year 500", then collect the data of planets whose years are greater than 500.

理解了您的问题,我开始回答: 首先,您需要使用Pandas从文本文件"S12_planet.txt"中读取行星数据,并将其转换为DataFrame。然后,您需要添加一个"density"列,该列将每个行星的密度相对于地球的密度进行计算。密度公式为:density=M/V=3M/(4π∗r^3),其中M是质量,V是体积,r是半径。 以下是实现此任务的代码: ```python import pandas as pd import numpy as np # 读取数据文件 data = pd.read_csv('S12_planet.txt', sep='\s+') # 计算密度并添加"density"列 earth_density = 1.0 data['density'] = 3 * data['mass'] / (4 * np.pi * (data['diameter']/2)**3) / earth_density # 按行星直径排序并打印DataFrame data = data.sort_values(by='diameter', ascending=False) print(data) ``` 接下来,您需要读取两个输入项"A"和"Standard",并创建一个Pandas Series,该Series包含"A"大于"Standard"的行星数据,按"A"值从大到小排序。例如,如果输入是"year 500",则收集年份大于500的行星数据。 以下是实现此任务的代码: ```python # 读取输入 A = input("请输入A:") Standard = float(input("请输入Standard:")) # 创建Series series = data[data[A] > Standard].sort_values(by=A, ascending=False)[A] # 打印Series print(series) ```

Read the planetary data in the text file S12_planet.txt into a Pandas DataFrame. The file will be given in wechat group. Task1, calculate the density of each planet relative to that of the Earth (i.e., the Earth’s density is 1) and add the results as a “density” column in the DataFrame. Print out the DataFrame sorted from the largest to smallest based on the planet diameter. The density formula is � � � � � � � = � / � = 3 � / ( 4 � ∗ � 3 ) density=M/V=3M/(4π∗r 3 ) Task2, read the 2 items in input as "A" and "Standard". A is a "String" and Standard is a "float". Create a Pandas Series that have "A" greater than "Standard", sorted from most to least based on the planet's "A". For example, if input is "year 500", then collect the data of planets whose years are greater than 500. Input A string and a float. Output Task1: DataFrame sorted on diameter Task2: Panda Series sorted on A. Note: You dont need to deal with rounding format. Just let the output as default like that in example.

Sure, I understand your question. Here is the solution to your problem: Task1: ```python import pandas as pd import numpy as np # read the planetary data into a pandas dataframe df = pd.read_csv('S12_planet.txt', sep='\t') # calculate the density of each planet relative to that of the Earth earth_density = 5.52 # g/cm^3 df['density'] = 3 * df['mass'] / (4 * np.pi * df['diameter']**3) * (earth_density / df['density']) # sort the dataframe based on planet diameter df = df.sort_values(by='diameter', ascending=False) # print the sorted dataframe print(df) ``` Task2: ```python # read the inputs A = input("Enter the string A: ") Standard = float(input("Enter the float Standard: ")) # create a pandas series that have "A" greater than "Standard", sorted from most to least based on the planet's "A" series = df.loc[df['A'] > Standard, 'A'].sort_values(ascending=False) # print the sorted series print(series) ``` Note: Please make sure that the 'S12_planet.txt' file is in the same directory as your Python script.





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插入排序算法 java 示例

insertionSort 方法实现了插入排序算法。它遍历数组中的每个元素,并将其与前面已排序的元素进行比较,然后将当前元素插入到正确的位置。这个过程一直重复,直到整个数组都被排序。 main 方法中创建了一个示例数组,并调用 insertionSort 方法对其进行排序,然后打印排序后的数组。


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作为一个宾馆客房间管理系统,必然涉及到客房对象,顾客对象等实体。这个系统我设置了80个房间,其中房间分四个等级,每个等级的价格是不一样的,可以通过房间编号得到房间的等级。然后就是房间的分配问题,就是当有顾客要求定房或入住时,我的程序能够根据用户要求入住的等级到相应等级的房间中去查找一个还没有预定的房间和一个没有入住的空闲房间。 当启动程序后,在windows平台下都是从main函数开始运行的,程序首先调用initial_room函数初始化80个房间的信息,包括房间编号,房间等级,房间价格,房间状态。其中房间编号和房间等级有直接联系,只要知道了房间编号就可以通过计算得到该房间的等级,房间状态初始化时等于0,表示该房间既没有被预定,也没有被入住。然后调用welcome函数,考虑到作为一个宾馆管理系统的安全性,对操作本系统的人员也要求认证的,其中在本函数中就要求只有通过输入了正确的用户名和密码才能操作系统哦!当通过登陆认证后,就进入宾馆管理系统了,在这里,系统给操作员显示一个操作菜单如:1->定房 2->入住 3->退房 4->查询,当操作员选择不同的数字就实现不同的功能。而这些功能的

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