时间: 2024-08-15 21:04:09 浏览: 68
`WITH TMP1 AS` 是 SQL (Structured Query Language) 中的一种构造,它定义了一个名为 `TMP1` 的临时结果集(Temporary Result Set)。在这个上下文中,通常用于执行一个复杂的子查询,并将其结果存储在一个临时表中,方便后续的查询操作。通过这种方式,你可以避免在主查询中直接嵌套大量数据处理,提高查询性能和可读性。
SELECT column1, column2
FROM table1
WHERE condition
JOIN another_table ON TMP1.column1 = another_table.column1;
在这段代码中,首先创建了 `TMP1`,然后外部查询再基于这个临时表进行操作。
解释这段mysql代码 with tmp as( select customerid,sum(amount) as amt from orderitems as a join orders as b using(orderid) group by customerid order by amt desc limit 30),#先检索销售额最大的前30个客户 tmp1 as( select distinct customerid from orders as a join customers as b using(customerid) join orderitems as c using(orderid) join products as d using(productid) where year(orderdate)=2019 and month(orderdate)=5 and productid<>(select productid from products where productname='百威啤酒')and customerid in(select customerid from tmp))#检索tmp中哪些客户2019年5月份没有买过百威啤酒 select distinct customerid,companyname from tmp1 join customers using(customerid)
这段 MySQL 代码首先使用了一个临时表 tmp,其中检索出了销售额最大的前 30 个客户,然后使用另一个临时表 tmp1,检索出了这些客户在 2019 年 5 月份没有购买过百威啤酒的客户。最后,通过与 customers 表进行 join 操作,检索出了这些客户的 customerid 和 companyname。
检查这段mysql语法错误set @n1= ceiling(0.25*(select count(*) from customers)); select @n1; set @n2=ceiling(0.8*(select count(*) from customers)); select @n2; with tmp as( select customerid,sum(amount) amt from customers join orders using(customerid) join orderitems using(orderid) group by customerid),tmp2 as( select *,rank() over(order by amt desc) num from tmp),tmp3 as( select *, case when num<@n1 then'A' when num>@n2 then'B' else 'C' end as'category' from tmp2) select *,row_number()over( partition by category order by amt desc) num1 from tmp3;
这段 MySQL 语法的确存在语法错误,是因为在 `tmp3` 子查询中给 `case` 语句的第二个 `when` 子句加了引号,导致 MySQL 无法正确解析该语句。正确的语法如下所示:
set @n1= ceiling(0.25*(select count(*) from customers));
select @n1;
set @n2=ceiling(0.8*(select count(*) from customers));
select @n2;
with tmp as(
select customerid,sum(amount) amt
from customers join orders using(customerid) join orderitems using(orderid)
group by customerid
tmp2 as(
select *,rank() over(order by amt desc) num
from tmp
tmp3 as(
select *,
when num<@n1 then 'A'
when num>@n2 then 'B'
else 'C'
end as category
from tmp2
select *,row_number()over( partition by category order by amt desc) num1
from tmp3;
注意,上面的 SQL 语句可能并不适用于所有版本的 MySQL 数据库,具体实现上可能会有所不同。