解释mysql这段代码with tmp as( select customerid,sum(amount) from orders join orderitems using(orderid) group by customerid order by sum(amount) desc limit 30) select customerid from customers join orders using(customerid) join orderitems using(orderid) join products using(productid) where year(orderdate)=2019 and month(orderdate)=5 and productname='百威啤酒' and customerid in (select customerid from tmp); select customerid,companyname from tmp join customers using(customerid) where customerid not in (select customerid from tmp2);
时间: 2023-06-18 20:06:21 浏览: 86
第一个查询使用了CTE,定义了一个名为tmp的临时表,其中包含了最近30天消费金额最高的前30个客户的ID和他们的消费总额。具体地,它首先通过JOIN操作将orders, orderitems和products表连接起来,筛选出在2019年5月购买了百威啤酒的订单,并计算出这些订单的总金额;然后按照总金额从高到低排序,并只选取前30条记录;最后根据customerid分组,得到每个客户的消费总额。
第二个查询使用了子查询,它从tmp临时表中选取客户ID和公司名称,但排除了那些已经在另一个名为tmp2的临时表中出现过的客户。具体地,它首先通过JOIN操作将tmp和customers表连接起来,得到tmp表中客户的公司名称;然后通过NOT IN子查询排除了那些在tmp2表中出现过的客户。
解释这段mysql代码 with tmp as( select customerid,sum(amount) as amt from orderitems as a join orders as b using(orderid) group by customerid order by amt desc limit 30),#先检索销售额最大的前30个客户 tmp1 as( select distinct customerid from orders as a join customers as b using(customerid) join orderitems as c using(orderid) join products as d using(productid) where year(orderdate)=2019 and month(orderdate)=5 and productid<>(select productid from products where productname='百威啤酒')and customerid in(select customerid from tmp))#检索tmp中哪些客户2019年5月份没有买过百威啤酒 select distinct customerid,companyname from tmp1 join customers using(customerid)
这段 MySQL 代码首先使用了一个临时表 tmp,其中检索出了销售额最大的前 30 个客户,然后使用另一个临时表 tmp1,检索出了这些客户在 2019 年 5 月份没有购买过百威啤酒的客户。最后,通过与 customers 表进行 join 操作,检索出了这些客户的 customerid 和 companyname。
set @n=(select areaid from areas where areaname='江苏省'); set @n1=((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers) * 0.3); with tmp as (select customerid,sum(amount) amt from orders join orderitems using(orderid) group by customerid order by amt desc) select customerid,regionid,amt from tmp join customers b using(customerid) join areas c on b.regionid=c.areaid where b.regionid=@n limit @n1;错误在哪里
这个 SQL 查询语句有两个问题:
1. 在 MySQL 中,需要使用 DELIMITER 命令来改变语句分隔符,否则在一个语句中使用分号会被误认为是语句的结束。因此,你需要在语句开头添加 DELIMITER //,在语句结尾添加 // DELIMITER;,并将语句中的分号改为双斜杠。
2. 在 WITH 子句中,需要在 SELECT 语句之前添加逗号,否则会导致语法错误。因此,你需要在 WITH 子句中的 SELECT 语句前添加逗号。
修改后的 SQL 查询语句如下所示:
set @n=(select areaid from areas where areaname='江苏省');
set @n1=((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers) * 0.3);
with tmp as (
select customerid,sum(amount) amt
from orders join orderitems using(orderid)
group by customerid
order by amt desc
, select customerid,regionid,amt
from tmp join customers b using(customerid)
join areas c on b.regionid=c.areaid
where b.regionid=@n
limit @n1;