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辛几何模态分解SGMD分解,附案例数据 可直接运行 附案例数据 可直接运行 ,辛几何模态分解SGMD分解,附案例数据 可直接
function [modes, eigenvalues] = symplectic_modal_decomposition(M)
% symplectic_modal_decomposition Compute symplectic modal decomposition
% of the quadratic Hamiltonian system
% omega \dot{q} = \frac{\partial H}{\partial p}, omega \dot{p} = -\frac{\partial H}{\partial q}
% Modes are the eigenvectors of the quadratic operator M which is
% formed by the matrix Omega in the system above. Note that the
% modal decomposition is unique only if one takes into account a
% certain ordering of modes and the corresponding eigenvalues.
% [modes, eigenvalues] = symplectic_modal_decomposition(M)
% Inputs:
% --------
% M - 2nx2n matrix which defines the quadratic Hamiltonian system
% Outputs:
% --------
% modes - 2nx2n matrix of eigenvectors, where
% [modes_1 modes_2 ... modes_2n]
% modes_i - (2n)x1 eigenvector of M
% eigenvalues - diagonal matrix of eigenvalues sorted in increasing order of
% absolute value
% Examples:
% ---------
% Define the quadratic form
% >> q = sym('q',[2 1]); p = sym('p',[2 1]);
% >> H = (q(1,:)^2 + p(1,:)^2) + (q(2,:)^2 + p(2,:)^2) + q(1,:)*q(2,:)+p(1,:)*p(2,:)
% Symbolic Hamiltonian of the quadratic form
% H(q,p) = (p1^2 + q1^2) + (p2^2 + q2^2) + q1*q2 + p1*p2
% The quadratic form can written in the standard form of a Hamiltonian
% system as
% Omega = [0 1 0 0;
% -1 0 0 0;
% 0 0 0 1;
% 0 0 -1 0];
% and
% M = Omega^T*[0 1;1 0]*Omega
% >> M = [-2, 0, -1, 0; ...
% 0, -2, 0, -1; ...
% 1, 0, 0, 0; ...
% 0, 1, 0, 0];
[L, W] = eig(M); % eigenvectors and eigenvalues
% sort by absolute value of eigenvalues
[ev_sorted, indx] = sort(abs(diag(W)));
modes = L(:, indx);
eigenvalues = diag(W)(indx, indx);
% keep only eigenvalues close to zero
tol = 1e-10;
indx = abs(diag(eigenvalues)) < tol;
eigenvalues = eigenvalues(indx, indx);
modes = modes(:, indx);