将string { "torsion":"1", "busid":"e84ed6ad-260a-4f39-b861-0a3662e5a789", "sourceip":"" } 中的"sourceip":"" 去掉 java
时间: 2023-07-17 18:08:48 浏览: 80
String input = "{\n\"torsion\":\"1\",\n\"busid\":\"e84ed6ad-260a-4f39-b861-0a3662e5a789\",\n\"sourceip\":\"\"\n}";
// 去掉 "sourceip":""
String output = input.replaceAll("\"sourceip\":\"\"", "");
解释下段matlab代码: fname = {'2.0', '2.5', '3.0', '3.5', '3.6', '3.7', '3.8', '3.9', '4.0', '4.1', '4.2', '4.3', '4.4', '4.5', '4.6', '4.7', '4.8', '4.9', '5.0', '5.1', '5.2', '5.3', '5.4', '5.5', '5.6', '5.7', '5.8', '5.9', '6.0', '7.0', '8.0', '9.0', '10.0'}; Chanum = 4; LD = 700; %激光位移计间距 ft = 7.684; %模型扭转基频 %生成零矩阵 %length为数组元素个数 DisData = zeros(SampleNum, Chanum); MidDisData = zeros(SampleNum, 2); Velocity = zeros(length(fname), 1); ReVelocity = zeros(length(fname), 1); Heav = zeros(length(fname), 1); Torsion = zeros(length(fname), 1); VorA = zeros(length(fname), 3); for i = 1:length(fname) for j = 1:Chanum DisData(:, j) = load(strcat(fname{i}, '-1', '#', num2str(j), '.txt')); end MidDisData(:, 1) = (DisData(:, 1) - mean(DisData(:, 1))) * 0.25 + ... (DisData(:, 2) - mean(DisData(:, 2))) * 0.25 + ... (DisData(:, 3) - mean(DisData(:, 3))) * 0.25 + ... (DisData(:, 4) - mean(DisData(:, 4))) * 0.25; MidDisData(:, 2) = (DisData(:, 1) - mean(DisData(:, 1))) * (-0.5) + ... (DisData(:, 2) - mean(DisData(:, 2))) * 0.5 + ... (DisData(:, 3) - mean(DisData(:, 3))) * 0.5 + ... (DisData(:, 4) - mean(DisData(:, 4))) * (-0.5); MidDisData(:, 2) = atan(MidDisData(:, 2) / LD) * 180 / pi; Heav(i, 1) = sqrt(2) * std(MidDisData(:, 1)); Torsion(i, 1) = sqrt(2) * std(MidDisData(:, 2)); Velocity(i, 1) = str2double(fname{i}); ReVelocity(i, 1) = Velocity(i, 1) / (ft * B); end VorA(:, 1) = ReVelocity; VorA(:, 2) = Heav; VorA(:, 3) = Torsion; save('VorA.txt', 'VorA', '-ASCII');
1. 首先,定义了一个包含文件名的cell数组`fname`。
2. 定义了变量`Chanum`、`LD`和`ft`,分别表示通道数、激光位移计间距和模型扭转基频。
3. 创建了一些空矩阵,包括`DisData`、`MidDisData`、`Velocity`、`ReVelocity`、`Heav`和`Torsion`。
4. 进入循环,遍历`fname`中的每个文件名。
5. 在内层循环中,使用`load`函数加载对应文件名的数据,并将其存储在`DisData`矩阵的不同列中。
6. 根据给定的计算公式,计算出`MidDisData`的两列值。
7. 计算并存储了每个文件名对应的`Heav`和`Torsion`值,分别是`MidDisData`的第一列和第二列的标准差。
8. 将文件名转换为数字,并将其存储在`Velocity`中。
9. 根据给定的计算公式,计算并存储了每个文件名对应的`ReVelocity`值。
10. 将计算得到的结果存储在`VorA`矩阵中,并使用`save`函数将其保存到名为'VorA.txt'的文件中。
请帮忙翻译一下文档内容 3.1. Open position. It is the position of the latch mechanism where the claw/Fork-bolt of the latch is ready to capture the striker. 3.2. Secondary position It is the position of the latch mechanism where the claw/Fork-bolt maintains the door closed partially (intermediate position between fully open and fully closed). 3.3. Primary position It is the position of the latch mechanism where the claw/Fork-bolt maintains the door completely closed. 3.4. Home position It is the position that the cinching actuator shall maintain after each cinching function and when idle. The cinch actuator mechanism shall maintain this position when it is not powered. The mechanism must be returned to this position after performing cinching operation from secondary to primary position. 3.5. Cinching The latch H40C is equipped with cinch actuator remote unit that connects to the latch via bowden cable and will move the Claw/Fork-bolt mechanism from secondary to primary position overcoming the seal load of the door. After the latch has reached primary position, the cinch actuator must return to a home position. 3.6. Power release The latch has the ability to electrically release the latch from either primary or secondary latched positions. Actuator will return mechanically to its home position after each power release operation via internal torsion spring.
3.1. 开放位置。这是门锁机制的位置,其中锁爪/叉形螺栓准备捕捉门锁钩子。
3.2. 次要位置。这是门锁机制的位置,其中锁爪/叉形螺栓部分保持门关闭(全开和全闭之间的中间位置)。
3.3. 初始位置。这是门锁机制的位置,其中锁爪/叉形螺栓完全保持门关闭。
3.4. 初始位置。这是紧缩执行器在每次紧缩功能和空闲时应保持的位置。当紧缩执行器机制未接通电源时,该机制应保持此位置。从次要位置执行紧缩操作后,必须将机制返回到此位置。
3.5. 紧缩。H40C门锁配有远程紧缩执行器单元,该单元通过波登电缆连接到门锁,将锁爪/叉形螺栓机制从次要位置移动到初始位置,克服门的密封负载。在门锁达到初始位置后,紧缩执行器必须返回到初始位置。
3.6. 电力释放。门锁能够从初级或次级锁定位置电动释放门锁。通过内部扭簧,执行器在每次电力释放操作后将机械上返回到其初始位置。