The RGB images have three color channels (24-bit image), but the grayscale image had only a single grayscale image (8-bit image). In our previous experiment, we normalized the images of the pre- trained network by each color channel separately. This approach lost the information provided by the other two channels. Here, we used the same grayscale LDCT image for each channel to make it somewhat analogous to an RGB image for the CNN. Doing so engages all the weights and exploits all the learned knowledge when extracting features from the pretrained net- work. Since the images experimented with were smaller than the required input size of the pretrained CNN (224 × 224), we used bicubic interpolation for resizing. The dimension of a deep feature vector extracted for each image was 4096. The features were the output of the last fully connected layer (the full 2 layer as shown in Table 2) before the output layer in an ImageNet pretrained CNN. The architectures and para 解释
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