180 * Math.atan(Math.abs(e2.getX() - userDragFirstX) / Math.abs(e2.getY() - userDragFirstY)) / (Math.PI);
时间: 2024-05-23 12:13:00 浏览: 182
这段代码是用来计算用户手指在屏幕上拖动时的滑动角度。其中,e2.getX() 和 e2.getY() 是用户手指在屏幕上的当前坐标,而 userDragFirstX 和 userDragFirstY 是用户手指按下时的坐标。具体来说,该代码先计算出用户手指在水平方向和竖直方向上的位移差(即 abs(e2.getX() - userDragFirstX) 和 abs(e2.getY() - userDragFirstY)),然后用 Math.atan() 方法计算出该位移差所对应的弧度值,最后将弧度值转换为角度值返回。其中,180 / Math.PI 是将弧度转换为角度的系数。
if v_0[2] > 0: v_0[2] = math.sqrt(m * g / k) * math.tan(-math.sqrt(k * g / m) * dt + math.atan(v_0[2] * math.sqrt(k / (m * g)))) Position[2] = (m / k) * math.log(abs(math.cos(math.sqrt(k * g / m)*dt) + v_0[2] * math.sqrt(k * g / m) * math.sin(dt * math.sqrt(k * g / m)))) + Position[2] else: Position[2] = -m/(2*k)*math.log((1+math.exp(2*dt*math.sqrt(k*g/m)))**2/(4*math.exp(2*dt*math.sqrt(k*g/m)))) + \ Position[2] + v_0[2] v_0[2] = math.sqrt((m*g/k))*(1-math.exp(2*dt*math.sqrt(k*g/m)))/(1+math.exp(2*dt*math.sqrt(k*g/m)))+v_0[2]
// Decimal hour of the day at Greenwich double greenwichtime = hour - timezone + minute / 60 + second / 3600; // Days from J2000, accurate from 1901 to 2099 double daynum = 367 * year - 7 * (year + (month + 9) / 12) / 4 + 275 * month / 9 + day - 730531.5 + greenwichtime / 24; //Mean longitude of the sun double mean_long = daynum * 0.01720279239 + 4.894967873; double mean_anom = daynum * 0.01720197034 + 6.240040768; double eclip_long = mean_long + 0.03342305518 * Math.sin(mean_anom) + 0.0003490658504 * Math.sin(2 * mean_anom); double obliquity = 0.4090877234 - 0.000000006981317008 * daynum; double rasc = Math.atan2(Math.cos(obliquity) * Math.sin(eclip_long), Math.cos(eclip_long)); double decl = Math.asin(Math.sin(obliquity) * Math.sin(eclip_long)); double sidereal = 4.894961213 + 6.300388099 * daynum + rlon; double hour_ang = sidereal - rasc; double elevation = Math.asin(Math.sin(decl) * Math.sin(rlat) + Math.cos(decl) * Math.cos(rlat) * Math.cos(hour_ang)); //Local azimuth of the sun double azimuth = Math.atan2(-Math.cos(decl) * Math.cos(rlat) * Math.sin(hour_ang), Math.sin(decl) - Math.sin(rlat) * Math.sin(elevation)); azimuth = into_range(Math.toDegrees(azimuth), 0, 360); elevation = into_range(Math.toDegrees(elevation), -180, 180);抽出常量
import java.util.TimeZone;
public class Main {
private static final double MEAN_LONGITUDE_OFFSET = 4.894967873;
private static final double MEAN_ANOMALY_COEFFICIENT = 0.01720197034;
private static final double ECLIPTIC_LONGITUDE_COEFFICIENT_1 = 0.03342305518;
private static final double ECLIPTIC_LONGITUDE_COEFFICIENT_2 = 0.0003490658504;
private static final double OBLIQUITY_COEFFICIENT_1 = 0.4090877234;
private static final double OBLIQUITY_COEFFICIENT_2 = 0.000000006981317008;
private static final double SIDEREAL_COEFFICIENT_1 = 4.894961213;
private static final double SIDEREAL_COEFFICIENT_2 = 6.300388099;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 其他变量的定义和赋值
// Decimal hour of the day at Greenwich
double greenwichtime = hour - timezone + minute / 60 + second / 3600;
// Days from J2000, accurate from 1901 to 2099
double daynum = 367 * year - 7 * (year + (month + 9) / 12) / 4 + 275 * month / 9 + day - 730531.5 + greenwichtime / 24;
//Mean longitude of the sun
double mean_anom = daynum * MEAN_ANOMALY_COEFFICIENT + 6.240040768;
double eclip_long = mean_long + ECLIPTIC_LONGITUDE_COEFFICIENT_1 * Math.sin(mean_anom) + ECLIPTIC_LONGITUDE_COEFFICIENT_2 * Math.sin(2 * mean_anom);
double rasc = Math.atan2(Math.cos(obliquity) * Math.sin(eclip_long), Math.cos(eclip_long));
double decl = Math.asin(Math.sin(obliquity) * Math.sin(eclip_long));
double sidereal = SIDEREAL_COEFFICIENT_1 + SIDEREAL_COEFFICIENT_2 * daynum + rlon;
double hour_ang = sidereal - rasc;
double elevation = Math.asin(Math.sin(decl) * Math.sin(rlat) + Math.cos(decl) * Math.cos(rlat) * Math.cos(hour_ang));
//Local azimuth of the sun
double azimuth = Math.atan2(-Math.cos(decl) * Math.cos(rlat) * Math.sin(hour_ang), Math.sin(decl) - Math.sin(rlat) * Math.sin(elevation));
azimuth = into_range(Math.toDegrees(azimuth), 0, 360);
elevation = into_range(Math.toDegrees(elevation), -180, 180);
// 其他操作
private static double into_range(double value, double min, double max) {
double range = max - min;
return ((value - min) % range + range) % range + min;