java的错误 error: duplicate class: Main public class Main如何解决
时间: 2023-12-06 07:40:36 浏览: 257
1. 检查你的代码,看看是否有多个同名的类定义。如果是,请将它们合并成一个类或将它们分别放在不同的源文件中。
2. 检查你的IDE或编译器设置,看看是否有重复的类路径或源文件路径。如果是,请将它们删除或更改。
3. 如果你在使用命令行编译器,可以尝试使用-cp选项来指定正确的类路径,或使用-d选项来指定正确的输出目录。
4. 如果以上方法都无法解决问题,可以考虑重命名其中一个或多个类,以避免冲突。
编译以下代码时出现如下编译错误警告,如何解决?import java.util.Scanner; abstract class PayAble { protected String code; public PayAble(String code) { this.code = code; } abstract double pay(); } class Phone extends PayAble { public Phone(String code) { super(code); } } class MobilePhone extends Phone { private int time; private double price; public double internetFee; private double smsFee; public MobilePhone(String code, int time, double price, double internetFee, double smsFee) { super(code); this.time = time; this.price = price; this.internetFee = internetFee; this.smsFee = smsFee; } public double pay() { return time * price + internetFee + smsFee; } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; int time = scanner.nextInt(); double price = scanner.nextDouble(); MobilePhone mobilePhone = new MobilePhone("", time, price, 0, 0); double fee =; System.out.println("Fee=" + fee); scanner.close(); } } 编译错误. zipfs/ error: duplicate class: PayAble public interface PayAble{ ^ 1 error
import java.util.Scanner;
abstract class PayAble {
protected String code;
public PayAble(String code) {
this.code = code;
abstract double pay();
class Phone extends PayAble {
public Phone(String code) {
class MobilePhone extends Phone {
private int time;
private double price;
public double internetFee;
private double smsFee;
public MobilePhone(String code, int time, double price, double internetFee, double smsFee) {
this.time = time;
this.price = price;
this.internetFee = internetFee;
this.smsFee = smsFee;
public double pay() {
return time * price + internetFee + smsFee;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
int time = scanner.nextInt();
double price = scanner.nextDouble();
MobilePhone mobilePhone = new MobilePhone("", time, price, 0, 0);
double fee =;
System.out.println("Fee=" + fee);
error: 'AVL' was not declared in this scope
这个错误通常是由于代码中使用了未声明的标识符引起的。在本例中,可能是因为你没有正确地声明 `AVL` 类,或者没有包含头文件。
以下是一个示例 `AVL` 类的声明和定义,以及使用该类实现 AVL 树的代码:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Node {
int data;
int height;
Node *left;
Node *right;
Node(int val) {
data = val;
height = 1;
left = nullptr;
right = nullptr;
class AVL {
Node *root;
int height(Node *node) {
if (node == nullptr) {
return 0;
return node->height;
int balanceFactor(Node *node) {
if (node == nullptr) {
return 0;
return height(node->left) - height(node->right);
Node *rotateRight(Node *node) {
Node *leftChild = node->left;
Node *rightSubtree = leftChild->right;
// Perform rotation
leftChild->right = node;
node->left = rightSubtree;
// Update heights
node->height = max(height(node->left), height(node->right)) + 1;
leftChild->height = max(height(leftChild->left), height(leftChild->right)) + 1;
return leftChild;
Node *rotateLeft(Node *node) {
Node *rightChild = node->right;
Node *leftSubtree = rightChild->left;
// Perform rotation
rightChild->left = node;
node->right = leftSubtree;
// Update heights
node->height = max(height(node->left), height(node->right)) + 1;
rightChild->height = max(height(rightChild->left), height(rightChild->right)) + 1;
return rightChild;
Node *insert(Node *node, int val) {
// Perform standard BST insertion
if (node == nullptr) {
return new Node(val);
if (val < node->data) {
node->left = insert(node->left, val);
} else if (val > node->data) {
node->right = insert(node->right, val);
} else {
// Duplicate keys not allowed
return node;
// Update the height of the current node
node->height = max(height(node->left), height(node->right)) + 1;
// Check the balance factor of the current node
int balance = balanceFactor(node);
// Left Left Case
if (balance > 1 && val < node->left->data) {
return rotateRight(node);
// Right Right Case
if (balance < -1 && val > node->right->data) {
return rotateLeft(node);
// Left Right Case
if (balance > 1 && val > node->left->data) {
node->left = rotateLeft(node->left);
return rotateRight(node);
// Right Left Case
if (balance < -1 && val < node->right->data) {
node->right = rotateRight(node->right);
return rotateLeft(node);
// Return the unchanged node pointer
return node;
void inorder(Node *node) {
if (node == nullptr) {
cout << node->data << " ";
AVL() {
root = nullptr;
void insert(int val) {
root = insert(root, val);
void inorder() {
cout << endl;
int main() {
AVL tree;
return 0;
在 `main` 函数中,我们首先创建了一个 `AVL` 对象 `tree`,然后通过调用 `insert` 方法插入一些节点,最后通过调用 `inorder` 方法遍历 AVL 树并输出结果。
如果你仍然遇到类似的错误,请检查是否正确包含了头文件,并确保在代码中正确地声明了 `AVL` 类。