时间: 2024-10-17 10:15:33 浏览: 32
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
// 定义函数来获取给定日期是当年的第几周
int getWeekOfYear(int year, int month, int day) {
struct tm date = {0};
date.tm_year = year - 1900;
date.tm_mon = month - 1; // January is 0
date.tm_mday = day;
time_t t = mktime(&date);
return (int) (mktime(gmtime(&t)) - t) / (7 * 24 * 60 * 60); // Calculate week of the year
int main() {
const int targetYear = 2024;
const int firstWeekStartDay = 1; // Monday (0-based)
// 获取2024年的第一天和最后一天
struct tm startOfYear = {0};
startOfYear.tm_year = targetYear - 1900;
startOfYear.tm_mon = 0;
startOfYear.tm_mday = 1;
time_t startOfTargetYear = mktime(&startOfYear);
// 计算2024年总共有多少天
time_t endOfYear = startOfTargetYear + (365 + (targetYear % 4 == 0 && (targetYear % 100 != 0 || targetYear % 400 == 0))); // Leap year
// 创建一个指向第一天的指针,并跳过周末(周六和周日)
time_t currentDate = startOfTargetYear;
int currentWeekIndex = 0;
while (currentDate <= endOfYear) {
if (currentDate >= startOfTargetYear && localtime(¤tDate)->tm_wday == firstWeekStartDay) {
// 打印开始新的一周的日期
printf("%d-%02d-%02d 星期%d\n", targetYear, localtime(¤tDate)->tm_mon+1, localtime(¤tDate)->tm_mday, localtime(¤tDate)->tm_wday+1); // 0-based index for weekdays
// 如果当前已经是新的一周,增加周数计数
if (currentWeekIndex == 52) { // 一年有52周或53周(闰年)
// 跳到下一个工作日
currentDate += 86400; // 24 hours in seconds
return 0;