targetValue = operation.progress; if (operation.progress >= 0.9f) { targetValue = 1.0f; } if (targetValue != loadingSlider.value) { loadingSlider.value = Mathf.Lerp(loadingSlider.value, targetValue, Time.deltaTime * SliderLoadSpeed); if (Mathf.Abs(loadingSlider.value - targetValue) < 0.01f) { loadingSlider.value = targetValue; } } loadingText.text = ((int)(loadingSlider.value * 100)).ToString() + "%"; if ((int)(loadingSlider.value * 100) == 100) { operation.allowSceneActivation = true; }
时间: 2024-02-15 07:28:23 浏览: 98
1. 获取场景加载的进度值,并将其赋值给变量targetValue。
2. 如果进度值大于等于0.9,则将targetValue设为1,以确保进度条能够达到100%。
3. 如果当前进度值与进度条的值不同,则使用Mathf.Lerp函数来实现进度条平滑地过渡到目标值targetValue(即场景加载完成的进度值)。
4. 如果进度条的值与目标值的差小于0.01,则将进度条的值直接设置为目标值,以避免进度条出现抖动。
5. 根据进度条的值更新加载文本的显示。
6. 如果进度条的值达到100%,则允许场景加载器加载场景。
其中loadingSlider、loadingText和operation分别代表UI界面中的进度条、进度文本和场景加载器对象。Time.deltaTime * SliderLoadSpeed是一个用于控制进度条平滑过渡的速度参数。
err = self._currentChecker() if err != self._noErrorResult: raise self._errorClass( err, result, cArguments = cArguments, baseOperation = baseOperation, ) return result
out = F.avg_pool2d(out, 4)
This line of code uses the PyTorch function `F.avg_pool2d` to perform average pooling on a 2D tensor `out`. The pooling operation computes the average value of each 4x4 block of elements in the tensor, resulting in a smaller tensor with reduced spatial dimensions. The size of the output tensor depends on the size of the input tensor and the pooling parameters specified.