错误使用 / 矩阵维度必须一致。 出错 ceshi (line 15) rect_width = S/rect_height;
时间: 2024-04-30 08:21:54 浏览: 98
这个错误通常表示在进行矩阵运算时,涉及到的矩阵维度不一致。根据你提供的代码,这个错误可能是因为 `rect_height` 的值为0导致的。因为在下面的代码中,`rect_height` 的值是从用户的输入中获得的:
rect_height = int(input("Enter the height of the rectangle:"))
如果用户输入的是0,那么 `rect_height` 的值也将为0,导致在计算 `rect_width` 时会出现除以0的错误。为了避免这个问题,你可以在计算 `rect_width` 之前添加一个检查,确保 `rect_height` 的值不为0。例如:
if rect_height == 0:
print("Error: Rectangle height cannot be zero")
rect_width = S/rect_height
print("The width of the rectangle is:", rect_width)
运行出来显示错误使用 diff 差分阶数 N 必须为正整数标量。 出错 ceshi (line 21) delta_T = delta_T + diff(T, a(i), 1) * delta_a;
您好,根据您提供的错误信息,diff 函数的使用中,差分阶数 N 必须为正整数标量。这是因为 diff 函数用于计算差分,其中 N 表示差分的阶数,必须是正整数标量。因此,您需要将差分阶数 N 改为 1,即一阶差分。
同时,您还需要将代码中的一些语法错误修正。其中,第 23 行缺少乘号,应该改为:
delta_T = delta_T + diff(T, d(i), 1) * delta_d;
另外,在第 30 行中,您将变量 T1T2T3T4 赋值给变量 T,但是 T1T2T3T4 并未在代码中定义。我猜测您想使用 T1、T2、T3 和 T4 的乘积作为变量 T 的值,因此您可以将第 18 至 21 行的代码改为:
T = T1 * T2 * T3 * T4;
clear all; clc;
du = pi/180;
a = [0+0.001, 185+0.0079, 0+0.005, 120+0.12];
alpha = [pi/2+0.003, 0+0.001, pi/2+0.005, pi/2];
d = [0+0.001, 0+0.0079, 90+0.005, 0+0.12];
theta = [90*du+0.02, 0, 0.023, 0.08];
beta = zeros(1, 4)+0;
L1(1) = Link('d', d(1), 'a', a(1), 'alpha', alpha(1), 'qlim', [180*du, 365*du], 'modified');
L1(2) = Link('d', d(2), 'a', a(2), 'alpha', alpha(2), 'qlim', [3*du, 63*du], 'modified');
L1(3) = Link('d', d(3), 'a', a(3), 'alpha', alpha(3), 'qlim', [60*du, 120*du], 'modified');
L1(4) = Link('d', d(4), 'a', a(4), 'alpha', alpha(4), 'qlim', [230*du, 326*du], 'modified');
Needle = SerialLink(L1, 'name', 'Needle');
T1 = DH(1, a(1), alpha(1), d(1), theta(1)+beta(1));
T2 = DH(2, a(2), alpha(2), d(2), theta(2)+beta(2));
T3 = DH(3, a(3), alpha(3), d(3), theta(3)+beta(3));
T4 = DH(4, a(4), alpha(4), d(4), theta(4)+beta(4));
T = T1 * T2 * T3 * T4;
delta_a = 0.001;
delta_T = zeros(4, 4);
for i = 1:4
delta_T = delta_T + diff(T, a(i), 1) * delta_a;
delta_alpha = 0.003;
for i = 1:4
delta_T = delta_T + diff(T, alpha(i), 1) * delta_alpha;
delta_d = 0.005;
for i = 1:4
delta_T = delta_T + diff(T, d(i), 1) * delta_d;
delta_theta = 0.02*du;
for i = 1:4
delta_T = delta_T + diff(T, theta(i), 1) * delta_theta;
delta_beta = 0.0;
for i = 1:4
delta_T = delta_T + diff(T, beta(i), 1) * delta_beta;
q = [theta(1), 0, theta(3), theta(4)];
T = Needle.fkine(q);
pos = T(1:3, 4);
euler = tr2eul(T, 'ZYX')/du;
delta_pos = delta_T(1:3, 4);
delta_euler = tr2eul(delta_T, 'ZYX')/du;
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include<stdio.h> #include<windows.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> #include<malloc.h> typedef struct character_name { char name[100]; struct character_name* next; }char_name; typedef struct character_title { char title[100]; struct character_title* next; }char_title; typedef struct character_identity { char identity[100]; struct character_identity* next; }char_iden; typedef struct character_attribute { int strength; struct character_attribute* next; }char_att; typedef struct character_information { char_name* _name; char_title* _title; char_iden* _iden; char_att* _att; struct character_information* next; }char_inf; char_inf* initialization() { char_inf* node = (char_inf*)malloc(sizeof(char_inf)); node->_name = (char_name*)malloc(sizeof(char_name)); node->_title = (char_title*)malloc(sizeof(char_title)); node->_iden = (char_iden*)malloc(sizeof(char_iden)); node->_att = (char_att*)malloc(sizeof(char_att)); return node; } char_inf* ceshi, * current, * end; char_name* name_current, * name_end; char_title* title_current, * title_end; char_iden* iden_current, * iden_end; char_att* att_current, att_end; int main() { ceshi = initialization(); name_current = (char_name*)malloc(sizeof(char_name)); name_current = ceshi->_name; strcpy(name_current->name, "ceshi_1_1"); name_current->next = (char_name*)malloc(sizeof(char_name)); name_current = name_current->next; strcpy(name_current->name, "ceshi_1_2"); strcpy(ceshi->_title->title, "ceshi_2"); strcpy(ceshi->_iden->identity, "ceshi_3"); ceshi->_att->strength = 4; name_current = ceshi->_name; while (name_current->next != NULL) { printf("%s\n", name_current->name); name_current = name_current->next; } printf("%s\n%s\n%d\n", ceshi->_title->title, ceshi->_iden->identity, ceshi->_att->strength); return 0; } 中为什么在下面两段代码中报错 name_current = (char_name*)malloc(sizeof(char_name)); name_current = ceshi->_name; strcpy(name_current->name, "ceshi_1_1"); name_current->next = (char_name*)malloc(sizeof(char_name)); name_current = name_current->next; strcpy(name_current->name, "ceshi_1_2"); name_current = ceshi->_name; while (name_current->next != NULL) { printf("%s\n", name_current->name); name_current = name_current->next; }
name_current = (char_name*)malloc(sizeof(char_name));
name_current = ceshi->_name;
name_current = ceshi->_name;
strcpy(name_current->name, "ceshi_1_1");
name_current->next = (char_name*)malloc(sizeof(char_name));
name_current = name_current->next;
strcpy(name_current->name, "ceshi_1_2");
name_current = ceshi->_name;
while (name_current != NULL)
printf("%s\n", name_current->name);
name_current = name_current->next;