for (entry in axes.entries) { val axis = entry.key val axisToString = MotionEvent.axisToString(axis) assertFalse(TextUtils.isEmpty(axisToString)) assertEquals(axisToString, entry.value) a
时间: 2024-02-14 17:32:39 浏览: 71
plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 14
As an AI language model, I cannot generate a plot. However, I can explain the effect of the above code on a plot.
The above code changes the default font size for the labels of the axes in a Matplotlib plot to 14 points. This means that the x-axis label, y-axis label, and any other labels on the plot will be displayed in a font size of 14 points. This can improve the readability of the plot, especially if the default font size is too small for the audience or the plot is displayed in a small size.
sns.lineplot(ax=axes[0], x=train_sizes_TR, y=train_scores_TR.mean(axis=1))
这是一个 Python 中使用 seaborn 库绘制折线图的代码。其中,sns.lineplot() 函数用于绘制折线图,ax 参数指定了绘制的坐标轴,x 和 y 分别指定了横轴和纵轴的数据。train_sizes_TR 和 train_scores_TR 是数据集。