时间: 2024-12-26 12:19:40 浏览: 5
ROS 2(Robot Operating System version 2)是一个独立于ROS 1的新一代机器人操作系统,它有全新的设计和架构。然而,由于它们之间的差异,直接将ROS 1的bag文件在ROS 2中播放并不像在ROS 1环境中那样简单。
要在ROS 2中播放ROS 1的bag文件,你需要安装一些额外工具,并采取一些特定步骤。首先,你需要确保已经安装了`ros2 bag`工具包,这通常作为ROS 2基础套件的一部分提供。如果没有,可以通过命令行:
sudo apt-get install ros-<your-ros-distro>-ros-bag2
其中 `<your-ros-distro>` 需替换为你当前使用的ROS 2发行版,如 `foxy`, `eloquent`, 等等。
然后,你可以使用 `ros2 bag play` 命令来播放ROS 1的bag文件,但是可能会遇到数据类型不兼容的问题。一种解决办法是转换数据,例如使用 `ros2 topic` 命令将ROS 1主题的数据导出为文本文件,再导入到ROS 2中创建一个新的topic。另一种方法是在ROS 1和ROS 2之间设置消息转换节点(如`rclcpp_yaml_param`),但这需要对ROS的体系结构有深入理解。
ros2 run rclcpp_yaml_param convert_rosbag <bag_file.bag> -o converted.bag
ros2 bag play converted.bag
ros2 循环播放rosbag
ROS 2(Robot Operating System)是一个开源的机器人操作系统,主要用于构建复杂机器人系统。如果你想在 ROS2 中循环播放 rosbag(ROS 包含的记录的通信数据),你可以使用 `rclcpp` 和 `rclcpp_action` 的一些工具,如 `rclcpp::spin()` 和 `rclcpp::executors::SingleThreadedExecutor` 结合 `rosbag2::PlayBack`。
1. 首先,你需要安装 `ros2 bag play` 包,可以通过包管理器 `ros2` 命令行工具安装:
ros2 package update
ros2 package install rosbag2_common rosbag2_msg rosbag2_node rosbag2_py
2. 创建一个节点,引入所需的库:
#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>
#include <rclcpp_action/client.hpp>
#include <rosbag2/bag.hpp>
#include <rosbag2/reader.hpp>
#include <rosbag2_msgs/msg/BagInfo.hpp>
3. 定义一个循环播放 rosbag 的函数:
class RosbagPlayer : public rclcpp::Node
RosbagPlayer(const std::string& bag_file)
: node_(rclcpp::Node::make_shared("rosbag_player", bag_file))
// 创建播放客户端
auto playback_client = rclcpp_action::create_client<rosbag2_msgs::msg::Play>(node_, "play");
while (!playback_client->wait_for_server(std::chrono::seconds(5))) {
RCLCPP_INFO(node_->get_logger(), "Waiting for play action server to become available");
// 准备播放动作
auto goal = rosbag2_msgs::msg::Play::goal();
goal.bag = bag_file;
// 开始循环播放
auto future = playback_client->async_send_goal(goal);
future.add_done_callback([this](rclcpp::Future<rosbag2_msgs::msg::Play::Result>&& result) {
if (rclcpp::executor::is Ok(result)) {
} else {
RCLCPP_ERROR(node_->get_logger(), "Failed to send goal: %s", result.exception().message());
rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr node_;
4. 在 `main()` 函数中创建并启动 RosbagPlayer:
int main(int argc, char** argv)
rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
auto player = RosbagPlayer(argv);
return 0;
在运行程序时,传入你想要循环播放的 rosbag 文件名作为命令行参数,例如:
./your_node_name your_rosbag_file.bag
humble ros1bag转ros2bag
As an AI language model, I cannot perform any actions beyond providing information. However, I can provide you with some guidance on how to convert a ROS1 bag file to a ROS2 bag file.
There are different approaches to converting ROS1 bag files to ROS2 bag files. One of the simplest ways is to use the ROS1-ROS2 bridge, which allows communication between ROS1 and ROS2 systems. To convert a ROS1 bag file to a ROS2 bag file using the bridge, you can follow these steps:
1. Install the ROS1-ROS2 bridge package on your ROS2 system. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:
sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-ros1-bridge
Make sure to replace `<distro>` with the ROS2 distribution you are using (e.g., foxy, galactic).
2. Source the ROS1 and ROS2 environments in separate terminal windows:
source /opt/ros/<distro>/setup.bash # for ROS1
source /opt/ros/<distro>/setup.bash # for ROS2
3. Launch the ROS1-ROS2 bridge node in one terminal window:
ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge
4. In another terminal window, use the rosbag tool to play the ROS1 bag file and publish its messages to the ROS2 bridge:
ros1bag play <ros1_bag_file> --clock --pause --loop
5. In a third terminal window, use the ROS2 bag tool to record the messages published by the bridge:
ros2 bag record -a
This will record all the messages published by the ROS1-ROS2 bridge and save them to a ROS2 bag file.
Note that the conversion process may take some time, depending on the size of the ROS1 bag file and the complexity of the messages it contains. Also, not all message types are currently supported by the ROS1-ROS2 bridge, so you may encounter some errors or limitations during the conversion process.