# setup synchronized BatchNorm for distributed training if args.distributed and args.sync_bn: if has_apex and use_amp == 'apex': # Apex SyncBN preferred unless native amp is activated model = convert_syncbn_model(model) else: model = torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(model) if args.local_rank == 0: _logger.info( 'Converted model to use Synchronized BatchNorm. WARNING: You may have issues if using ' 'zero initialized BN layers (enabled by default for ResNets) while sync-bn enabled.') if args.torchscript: assert not use_amp == 'apex', 'Cannot use APEX AMP with torchscripted model' assert not args.sync_bn, 'Cannot use SyncBatchNorm with torchscripted model' model = torch.jit.script(model) optimizer = create_optimizer_v2(model, **optimizer_kwargs(cfg=args))
时间: 2024-02-14 20:26:49 浏览: 193
这段代码是用于设置分布式训练中的同步批归一化(Synchronized BatchNorm)。在分布式训练中,多个计算设备上的模型参数需要进行同步更新,而批归一化层中的均值和方差也需要进行同步计算。