时间: 2024-10-15 14:28:00 浏览: 32
function [solution, objective_value] = custom_linprog(obj_vec, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub)
% obj_vec: 目标函数系数 (例如,[6; 4])
% A, b: 约束不等式 (A * x <= b)
% Aeq, beq: 等式约束 (Aeq * x = beq)
% lb, ub: 变量的下界和上界 (lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
% 检查输入参数的完整性
assert(isnumeric(obj_vec) && isvector(obj_vec) && isscalar(obj_vec(1)), 'Objective function coefficient must be a scalar vector.');
assert(isnumeric(A) && ismatrix(A) && size(A, 2) == length(obj_vec), 'Inequality constraint matrix must have the same number of columns as the objective function.');
assert(isnumeric(b) && isvector(b), 'Right-hand side of inequality constraints must be a vector.');
assert(isempty(Aeq) || (isnumeric(Aeq) && ismatrix(Aeq) && size(Aeq, 2) == length(obj_vec)), 'Equality constraint matrix must be provided if present.');
assert(isempty(beq) || isvector(beq), 'Right-hand side of equality constraints must be provided if present.');
assert(isnumeric(lb) && isvector(lb) && isequal(length(lb), length(obj_vec)), 'Lower bounds must be a vector with the same length as the objective function.');
assert(isempty(ub) || (isnumeric(ub) && isvector(ub) && isequal(length(ub), length(obj_vec))), 'Upper bounds must be a vector with the same length as the objective function.');
% 添加默认的无上限(inf)约束,如果未提供
if nargin < 7
ub = inf * ones(size(lb));
% 二分查找线性规划的解决方案
% 这里仅做简化处理,实际应用中可能需要更复杂的搜索策略
for i = 1:length(obj_vec)
if ub(i) > Inf
ub(i) = Inf;
elseif lb(i) > ub(i)
error('Invalid upper bound, should be greater than or equal to lower bound.');
% ... 实现二分查找或其他算法找到可行解 ...
% 根据上下限计算可行域的边界点,然后评估每个边界点的目标函数值
% ... 代码省略,因为这里只是展示基本框架 ...
% 找到目标函数最大的点作为最优解
[objective_value, solution] = max([evaluate_at_boundaries(objective_func_values), evaluate_at_interior_points(obj_func_values)]);
% ... 对于内部点的评估和比较需要完整实现 ...
% 返回结果
if isnan(objective_value)
error('No feasible solution found.');
% 在上述代码中,你需要实现evaluate_at_boundaries和evaluate_at_interior_points函数,它们负责在约束边界和区域内部评估目标函数。