时间: 2024-09-06 10:00:32 浏览: 76
1. 收集迭代过程中的性能指标数据。
2. 利用绘图库(如matplotlib、seaborn等)创建散点图或折线图。
3. 对图表进行必要的格式化,比如添加图例、标题、标注等。
4. 分析图表,得出结论。
1. **导入库和函数**:首先,确保已经安装了相应的库,比如`matplotlib.pyplot`,然后通过`import`语句加载`plot_convergence`函数。
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from your_library import plot_convergence # 如果是从自定义模块中导入
2. **准备数据**:收集训练过程中模型性能变化的数据,通常包括迭代次数(epoch数)和对应的指标(如训练损失或验证准确率)。
3. **调用函数**:使用准备好的数据作为输入,调用`plot_convergence`函数。可能需要指定x轴(迭代次数)、y轴(指标值),以及其他可能的参数,如标题、标签等。
convergence_data = ... # 包含epoch和指标值的数据
plt.figure() # 创建一个新的绘图窗口
plot_convergence(convergence_data, x_axis='epochs', y_axis='loss')
plt.title('Training Loss Convergence') # 设置图表标题
plt.xlabel('Epochs') # 设置x轴标签
plt.ylabel('Loss') # 设置y轴标签 # 显示图表
For Gradient Descent, we calculated the gradients for each sample individually. To improve the convergence behavior and to speed up the training process, we now consider batches of gradients. This stabilizes the convergence and prevents the parameters from being push in one direction and directly afterwards being pulled in the opposite direction. Therefore, we can use the gradient descent implementation and just swap the data loader to use the batched variant. The bad thing is that we need to iterate now multiple times over the dataset.帮我补全下面的代码。 net = ... epochs = 10 optimizer = GD(net.parameters(), 0.02) losses, states = ... fig = plot_losses(losses) conf_pltly() init_notebook_mode(connected=False) iplot(fig)
Sure! Here's the completed code:
net = ... # define your neural network architecture
epochs = 10
optimizer = GD(net.parameters(), 0.02) # define the optimizer
# define your batch size and create a data loader that batches the data
batch_size = 32
data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)
losses, states = [], []
for epoch in range(epochs):
running_loss = 0.0
for i, batch in enumerate(data_loader):
optimizer.zero_grad() # zero the parameter gradients
# forward + backward + optimize
outputs = net(batch['input'])
loss = loss_fn(outputs, batch['target'])
# track the loss and state of the network
running_loss += loss.item()
losses.append(running_loss / ((i+1) * batch_size))
# plot the losses over training
fig = plot_losses(losses)
Note that in this code, we've added a data loader that batches the data into sets of `batch_size` samples. We then iterate over this data loader, computing the gradients and updating the parameters for each batch. We also track the loss and network state over time, and use these to plot the loss curve at the end of training.