时间: 2023-10-10 20:14:07 浏览: 116
#include <string.h>
// 假设uart1RxBuff是一个char类型的数组
char uart1RxBuff[256]; // 假设数组大小为256
int main() {
// 使用memset函数将数组的前128个字节设置为0
memset(uart1RxBuff, 0, 128);
// 其他代码...
return 0;
void USART1_Pro(void) { unsigned char buf1[32]; static unsigned char Cnt; if(++Cnt > 20) { Cnt = 0; sprintf(buf1,"H:%d,%d,%d,%d,%dE\r\n",Light_Value,DHT_BUFF.Hum,DHT_BUFF.Temp,Water_Value,CO2_Value); UART1_Send_String(buf1); } if(UART0_Rx_Flag) { UART0_Rx_Flag = 0; // UART0_Send_Nbyte(UART0_Rxd); switch(UART0_Rxd[5]) { case 'A': memset(UART0_Rxd, 0, sizeof UART0_Rxd); //P0 ^= 1<<0; KEY = 1; break; case 'B': memset(UART0_Rxd, 0, sizeof UART0_Rxd); //P0 ^= 1<<1; KEY = 2; break; case 'C': memset(UART0_Rxd, 0, sizeof UART0_Rxd); //P0 ^= 1<<2; KEY = 3; break; case 'D': memset(UART0_Rxd, 0, sizeof UART0_Rxd); //P0 ^= 1<<3; KEY = 4; break; case 'E': memset(UART0_Rxd, 0, sizeof UART0_Rxd); //P0 ^= 1<<3; KEY = 5; break; default : break; } memset(UART0_Rxd, 0, sizeof UART0_Rxd); UART0_Rxd_Index = 0; UART0_Rx_Flag = 0; } }这些代码分别是什么意思,以及UART0_Rxd[5]里面的参数5是什么意思,
memset(uart4.rx_buf, 0x00, sizeof(uart4.rx_buf));
This line of code initializes all the elements of the array uart4.rx_buf to the value 0x00. The function used here is memset(), which takes three arguments: the first argument is the pointer to the starting address of the memory block to be initialized, the second argument is the value to be set, and the third argument is the size of the memory block in bytes. Therefore, this line of code clears the data in uart4.rx_buf, which is likely used to store incoming data from a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) communication port.