时间: 2024-02-23 10:59:03 浏览: 127
这个问题不太清楚上下文是什么,但是可以猜测 `df_train` 是一个 pandas 的 DataFrame 对象,其中有一个 `label` 列,这个问题想要知道这个 `label` 列中有哪些唯一的值。如果是这样的话,可以使用 pandas 的 `unique()` 方法来获取这个列中的唯一值,代码如下:
unique_labels = df_train.label.unique()
其中 `unique_labels` 就是一个包含了 `df_train` 中 `label` 列中所有唯一值的 numpy 数组。
def get_data_eval(array_folder,raster_file, reference_file): df = TransformCoordonates(raster_file,reference_file) array_folder_list = sorted(os.listdir(array_folder)) array_files = [] array_file_name = [] for n,arr_file in enumerate(array_folder_list): if arr_file.endswith('.npy'): array_files.append(np.load(array_folder+'/'+arr_file,allow_pickle=True)) array_file_name.append(arr_file[:-4]) else: print(arr_file, 'Not Supported') for j,class_ in enumerate(array_files): class_ = np.array(class_, dtype =float) array_val = [] for i in df['position']: try: val = class_[i[0], i[1]] array_val.append(val) except: val = np.nan array_val.append(val) df[array_file_name[j]] = array_val label_list = df['label'].unique() label_class = [] for i in range(0,len(label_list)): label_class.append(i) df['type'] = df['label'].replace(label_list, label_class) df_train = df.drop(['longitude','latitude','label','coordinates','position','row','col'], axis = 1) return df_train, [array_files, array_file_name]
这段代码看起来像是一个函数,函数名为 get_data_eval,有三个参数:array_folder,raster_file,和 reference_file。函数的作用看起来是从一个文件夹中读取Numpy数组数据,然后利用TransformCoordonates函数对这些数组进行坐标变换,并且根据坐标变换后的位置信息从数组中提取对应的值,最终将这些值和相应的标签信息整理成一个DataFrame对象,并返回该对象和原始的数组数据。具体实现过程中,函数使用了os模块对文件夹中的文件进行遍历和筛选,使用了numpy模块对数组数据进行读取和处理,使用了pandas模块对数据进行整合和组织。
# Look through unique values in each categorical column categorical_cols = train_df.select_dtypes(include="object").columns.tolist() for col in categorical_cols: print(f"{col}", f"Number of unique entries: {len(train_df[col].unique().tolist())},") print(train_df[col].unique().tolist()) def plot_bar_chart(df, columns, grid_rows, grid_cols, x_label='', y_label='', title='', whole_numbers_only=False, count_labels=True, as_percentage=True): num_plots = len(columns) grid_size = grid_rows * grid_cols num_rows = math.ceil(num_plots / grid_cols) if num_plots == 1: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 8)) axes = [axes] # Wrap the single axes in a list for consistent handling else: fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_rows, grid_cols, figsize=(12, 8)) axes = axes.ravel() # Flatten the axes array to iterate over it for i, column in enumerate(columns): df_column = df[column] if whole_numbers_only: df_column = df_column[df_column % 1 == 0] ax = axes[i] y = [num for (s, num) in df_column.value_counts().items()] x = [s for (s, num) in df_column.value_counts().items()] ax.bar(x, y, color='blue', alpha=0.5) try: ax.set_xticks(range(x[-1], x[0] + 1)) except: pass ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) ax.set_title(title + ' - ' + column) if count_labels: df_col = df_column.value_counts(normalize=True).mul(100).round(1).astype(str) + '%' for idx, (year, value) in enumerate(df_column.value_counts().items()): if as_percentage == False: ax.annotate(f'{value}\n', xy=(year, value), ha='center', va='center') else: ax.annotate(f'{df_col[year]}\n', xy=(year, value), ha='center', va='center', size=8) if num_plots < grid_size: for j in range(num_plots, grid_size): fig.delaxes(axes[j]) # Remove empty subplots if present plt.tight_layout() plt.show()