% 生成随机网络结构和节点状态 n1 = 100; % 第一层网络节点数 n2 = 100; % 第二层网络节点数 a1 = rand(n1) < 0.1; % 第一层网络邻接矩阵 a2 = rand(n2) < 0.1; % 第二层网络邻接矩阵 file = fopen('liangcengjiedian.txt', 'r'); % 去掉空格 if file ~= -1 % 确认文件已经被正确打开 data = textscan(file, '(%f,%f,%f) to (%f,%f,%f)\n'); n_gateway = length(data{1}); gateway1 = []; gateway2 = []; for i = 1:size(data{1}, 1) x1 = data{1}(i); y1 = data{2}(i); z1 = data{3}(i); x2 = data{4}(i); y2 = data{5}(i); z2 = data{6}(i); gateway1 = [gateway1; x1, y1, z1]; gateway2 = [gateway2; x2, y2, z2]; end fclose(file); % 记得关闭文件 else disp('Error: file not found or could not be opened.'); end % 使用randperm函数随机选择n_gateway个网关 n_gateway = min(n_gateway, size(gateway1, 1)); idx = randperm(size(gateway1, 1), n_gateway); gateway1 = gateway1(idx, :); gateway2 = gateway2(idx, :); state1(gateway1) = randi([0, 3], n_gateway, 1); state2(gateway2) = randi([0, 3], n_gateway, 1); state1 = zeros(n1, 1); % 第一层节点状态 state2 = zeros(n2, 1); % 第二层节点状态 数组索引必须为正整数或逻辑值。 出错 oooo (line 716) state1(gateway1) = randi([0, 3], n_gateway, 1);如何修改
时间: 2023-12-20 16:05:28 浏览: 99
n_gateway = min(n_gateway, size(gateway1, 1));
idx = randperm(size(gateway1, 1), n_gateway);
gateway1 = gateway1(idx, :);
gateway2 = gateway2(idx, :);
state1 = zeros(n1, 1); % 第一层节点状态
state2 = zeros(n2, 1); % 第二层节点状态
% 将网关节点的状态随机初始化
for i = 1:n_gateway
% 第一层网关节点状态
idx1 = sub2ind([n1, 3], gateway1(i, 1), gateway1(i, 2), gateway1(i, 3));
state1(idx1) = randi([0, 3]);
% 第二层网关节点状态
idx2 = sub2ind([n2, 3], gateway2(i, 1), gateway2(i, 2), gateway2(i, 3));
state2(idx2) = randi([0, 3]);
% 设置参数 % 计算每个节点的度数 degree = sum(a1~=0, 2); % 节点以概率i/N*0.1退化,i为节点度数 prob = degree./(N*10); p_failure = 0.01; % 正常节点失效的概率 p_fault = 0.1; % 节点故障的概率 t_repair = 100; % 故障节点失效前修复的时间步长 t_degrade = 20; % 退化节点失效前进入失效状态的时间步长 n_gateway = 10; % 网关节点数量 % 生成随机网络结构和节点状态 n1=20; n2=20; file = fopen('liangcengjiedian.txt', 'r'); % 去掉空格 if file ~= -1 % 确认文件已经被正确打开 data = textscan(file, '(%f,%f,%f) to (%f,%f,%f)\n'); n_gateway = length(data{1}); gateway1 = []; gateway2 = []; for i = 1:size(data{1}, 1) x1 = data{1}(i); y1 = data{2}(i); z1 = data{3}(i); x2 = data{4}(i); y2 = data{5}(i); z2 = data{6}(i); gateway1 = [gateway1; x1, y1, z1]; gateway2 = [gateway2; x2, y2, z2]; end fclose(file); % 记得关闭文件 else disp('Error: file not found or could not be opened.'); end % 使用randperm函数随机选择n_gateway个网关 n_gateway = min(n_gateway, size(gateway1, 1)); idx = randperm(size(gateway1, 1), n_gateway); gateway1 = gateway1(idx, :); gateway2 = gateway2(idx, :); state1 = zeros(n1, 1); % 第一层节点状态 state2 = zeros(n2, 1); % 第二层节点状态修改代码
borrows[borrow_count].book_id = book_id;
borrows[borrow_count].borrow_id = borrow_count + 1;
printf("Borrow book successfully.\n");
printf("Book not found.\根据代码段,似乎没有要求修改的问题。不过,可以对代码进行一些改进,以提高n");
void return_book() {
int book_id, i;
char actual_return_date[20];
printf("Please input the book id to return: ");
scanf("%d", &book_id);
for (i = 0; i < book_count; i代码的可读性和可维护性。
1. 统一变量命名方式,建议使用下划线分隔++) {
if (books[i].book_id == book_id) {
if (books[i].status == 0) {
printf单词,例如 `p_failure` 改为 `p_failure_rate`,`t_repair` 改为 `t_repair_step`("The book is not borrowed.\n");
printf("Please input the actual return date: ");
scanf("%s", actual_return_date);
books[i].status = 0;
strcpy(borrows[i].actual_return_date, actual_return。
2. 使用结构体或对象封装参数,以便统一管理和传递参数。例如:
printf("Return book successfully.\n");
printf("Book not found.\n");
= sum(a1~=0, 2);
params.prob = params.degree./(N*10);
params.p_failure_rate = 0.01void query_borrow() {
int i;
char user_name[20];
printf("Please input your name to query borrow record:;
params.p_fault_rate = 0.1;
params.t_repair_step = 100;
params.t_degrade_step = 20;
scanf("%s", user_name);
printf("Your borrow record:\n");
for (i = 0; i < borrowparams.n_gateway = 10;
3. 将读取文件的代码封装成一个函数,以便重复使用。_count; i++) {
if (strcmp(borrows[i].user_name, user_name) == 0) {
function [gateway1, gateway2, n_gateway] = read_gateway_file(filename)
file = fopen(filename, 'rorrow id: %d\n", borrows[i].borrow_id);
printf("Book id: %d\n", borrows[i].book_id);
printf("Borrow date: %s\n", borrows[i].borrow_date);
printf("Return date: %s\n');
if file ~= -1
data = textscan(file, '(%f,%f,%f) to (%f,%f,%", borrows[i].return_date);
printf("Actual return date: %s\n", borrows[i].actual_return_date);
n_gateway = length(data{1});
gateway1 = [];
gateway2 = [];
for i = 1 printf("\n");
int main() {
int choice;
while (1) {
printf("Please select:size(data{1}, 1)
x1 = data{1}(i);
y1 = data{2}(i);
the operation:\n");
printf("1. Add book\n");
printf("2. Delete book\n");
printf("3. Modify book\n");
printf("4. Query book\n");
printf("5. Add category\n");
printf("6. Delete z1 = data{3}(i);
x2 = data{4}(i);
y2 = data{5}(i);
printf("7. Modify category\n");
printf("8. Query category\n");
printf("9. Borrow book z2 = data{6}(i);
gateway1 = [gateway1; x1, y1, z1];
printf("10. Return book\n");
printf("11. Query borrow record\n");
printf("0. Exit\n2 = [gateway2; x2, y2, z2];
printf("Your choice: ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
switch (choice) {
case 1:
gateway1 = randperm(n1, n_gateway); % 第一层网关节点 gateway2 = randperm(n2, n_gateway); % 第二层网关节点state1(gateway1) = randi([0, 3], n_gateway, 1); % 第一层网关节点状态 state2(gateway2) = randi([0, 3], n_gateway, 1); % 第二层网关节点状态。其实两层的网关节点以'(%f,%f,%f) to (%f,%f,%f)\n',x1(i),y1(i),z1(i),x2(j),y2(j),z2(j)的形式保存在一个txt文件中,该如何修改该代码呢matlab
如果两层的网关节点以'(%f,%f,%f) to (%f,%f,%f)\n',x1(i),y1(i),z1(i),x2(j),y2(j),z2(j)的形式保存在一个txt文件中,你需要首先读取该文件,然后将每行数据按照相应格式进行解析,最后将解析后的数据作为参数传给randperm函数。
1. 打开文件:使用Matlab中的fopen函数打开txt文件,获取文件对象。
file = fopen('filename.txt', 'r');
2. 读取文件内容:使用textscan函数读取整个文件内容,并将每行数据存储在一个矩阵中。
data = textscan(file, '(%f,%f,%f) to (%f,%f,%f)\n');
3. 处理每一行数据:获取矩阵中每一行的数据,并将解析后的数据存储在两个矩阵中。
gateway1 = [];
gateway2 = [];
for i = 1:size(data{1}, 1)
x1 = data{1}(i);
y1 = data{2}(i);
z1 = data{3}(i);
x2 = data{4}(i);
y2 = data{5}(i);
z2 = data{6}(i);
gateway1(i,:) = [x1, y1, z1];
gateway2(i,:) = [x2, y2, z2];
4. 传递参数:将解析后的数据作为参数传给randperm和randi函数。
gateway1 = randperm(gateway1, n_gateway);
gateway2 = randperm(gateway2, n_gateway);
state1(gateway1) = randi([0, 3], n_gateway, 1);
state2(gateway2) = randi([0, 3], n_gateway, 1);
5. 关闭文件:使用fclose函数关闭文件对象。