for neighbor in neighbors无效表达式
时间: 2024-09-09 12:16:17 浏览: 44
在MATLAB中,`for neighbor in neighbors` 这样的表达式是错误的,因为MATLAB是一种静态类型的脚本语言,并非像Python那样支持动态变量作用域和类似的概念。在MATLAB中,当你需要迭代访问邻接列表(neighbors)中的元素,应该使用循环结构,例如:
for i = 1:length(neighbors) % 或者用 colon 表示范围
neighbor = neighbors(i);
% 在这里执行对每个邻居的操作
for idx = 1:numel(neighbors)
neighbor = neighbors(idx).node; % 假设邻居数据结构包含 "node" 字段
% 对 neighbor 进行操作
请注意,在MATLAB中使用 `for` 循环时,通常会明确地指定索引或者使用内置的迭代工具,如`eachrow`、`eachvar`等,而不是像某些动态语言中的“in”关键字。
代码解释from random import * from turtle import * from freegames import floor, vector tiles = {} neighbors = [ vector(100, 0), vector(-100, 0), vector(0, 100), vector(0, -100), ] def load(): """Load tiles and scramble.""" count = 1 for y in range(-200, 200, 100): for x in range(-200, 200, 100): mark = vector(x, y) tiles[mark] = count count += 1 tiles[mark] = None for count in range(1000): neighbor = choice(neighbors) spot = mark + neighbor if spot in tiles: number = tiles[spot] tiles[spot] = None tiles[mark] = number mark = spot def square(mark, number): """Draw white square with black outline and number.""" up() goto(mark.x, mark.y) down() color('black', 'white') begin_fill() for count in range(4): forward(99) left(90) end_fill() if number is None: return elif number < 10: forward(20) write(number, font=('Arial', 60, 'normal')) def tap(x, y): """Swap tile and empty square.""" x = floor(x, 100) y = floor(y, 100) mark = vector(x, y) for neighbor in neighbors: spot = mark + neighbor if spot in tiles and tiles[spot] is None: number = tiles[mark] tiles[spot] = number square(spot, number) tiles[mark] = None square(mark, None) def draw(): """Draw all tiles.""" for mark in tiles: square(mark, tiles[mark]) update() setup(420, 420, 370, 0) hideturtle() tracer(False) load() draw() onscreenclick(tap) done()
这段代码是实现一个拼图游戏的程序。在程序中,首先导入了 random、turtle 和 freegames 库,然后定义了一个包含空白方块和数字方块的字典 tiles 和一个包含四个方向的向量列表 neighbors。load 函数对方块进行初始化并随机打乱,square 函数绘制数字方块,tap 函数响应玩家的点击事件并交换数字方块和空白方块的位置,draw 函数绘制所有方块,最后程序进行窗口设置和事件监听,并启动游戏。
校正以下代码的语法错误 def encode_edge(self, mode, node_history, node_history_st, edge_type, neighbors, neighbors_edge_value, first_history_indices, batch_size): max_hl = self.hyperparams['maximum_history_length'] max_neighbors = 0 for neighbor_states in neighbors: max_neighbors = max(max_neighbors, len(neighbor_states)) edge_states_list = list() # list of [#of neighbors, max_ht, state_dim] for i, neighbor_states in enumerate(neighbors): # Get neighbors for timestep in batch if len(neighbor_states) == 0: # There are no neighbors for edge type # TODO necessary? neighbor_state_length = int( np.sum([len(entity_dims) for entity_dims in self.state[edge_type[1]].values()]) ) edge_states_list.append(torch.zeros((1, max_hl + 1, neighbor_state_length), device=self.device)) else: edge_states_list.append(torch.stack(neighbor_states, dim=0).to(self.device)) # if self.hyperparams['edge_state_combine_method'] == 'sum': # Used in Structural-RNN to combine edges as well. op_applied_edge_states_list = list() for neighbors_state in edge_states_list: op_applied_edge_states_list.append(torch.sum(neighbors_state, dim=0))#torch.sum combined_neighbors = torch.stack(op_applied_edge_states_list, dim=0) # 获取combined_neighbors的第一个维度,代表邻接边的总数 combined_neighbors_0 = combined_neighbors.shape[0] # 创建全零矩阵s_next,形状为[batch_size, max_neighbors, combined_neighbors_0] s_next = torch.zeros((batch_size, max_neighbors, combined_neighbors_0), device=self.device) # 为s_next矩阵中每一行赋值为对应的combined_neighbors # for b in range(batch_size): # s_next[b, :len(neighbors[b]), :] = combined_neighbors[first_history_indices[b]] for i in range(batch_size): s_next[0, i, :] = batch_size[:] for i in range(max_neighbors): s_next[1, i, :] = max_neighbors[i, :] for i in range(combined_neighbors.shape[0]): s_next[2, i, :] = combined_neighbors
代码中缺少冒号,不是合法的 Python 代码。正确的代码应该是这样的:
def encode_edge(self, mode, node_history, node_history_st, edge_type, neighbors, neighbors_edge_value, first_history_indices, batch_size):
max_hl = self.hyperparams['maximum_history_length']
max_neighbors = 0
for neighbor_states in neighbors:
max_neighbors = max(max_neighbors, len(neighbor_states))
edge_states_list = list()