请帮忙翻译一下文档内容 3.1. Open position. It is the position of the latch mechanism where the claw/Fork-bolt of the latch is ready to capture the striker. 3.2. Secondary position It is the position of the latch mechanism where the claw/Fork-bolt maintains the door closed partially (intermediate position between fully open and fully closed). 3.3. Primary position It is the position of the latch mechanism where the claw/Fork-bolt maintains the door completely closed. 3.4. Home position It is the position that the cinching actuator shall maintain after each cinching function and when idle. The cinch actuator mechanism shall maintain this position when it is not powered. The mechanism must be returned to this position after performing cinching operation from secondary to primary position. 3.5. Cinching The latch H40C is equipped with cinch actuator remote unit that connects to the latch via bowden cable and will move the Claw/Fork-bolt mechanism from secondary to primary position overcoming the seal load of the door. After the latch has reached primary position, the cinch actuator must return to a home position. 3.6. Power release The latch has the ability to electrically release the latch from either primary or secondary latched positions. Actuator will return mechanically to its home position after each power release operation via internal torsion spring.

时间: 2024-04-29 07:20:11 浏览: 11
3.1. 开放位置。这是门锁机制的位置,其中锁爪/叉形螺栓准备捕捉门锁钩子。 3.2. 次要位置。这是门锁机制的位置,其中锁爪/叉形螺栓部分保持门关闭(全开和全闭之间的中间位置)。 3.3. 初始位置。这是门锁机制的位置,其中锁爪/叉形螺栓完全保持门关闭。 3.4. 初始位置。这是紧缩执行器在每次紧缩功能和空闲时应保持的位置。当紧缩执行器机制未接通电源时,该机制应保持此位置。从次要位置执行紧缩操作后,必须将机制返回到此位置。 3.5. 紧缩。H40C门锁配有远程紧缩执行器单元,该单元通过波登电缆连接到门锁,将锁爪/叉形螺栓机制从次要位置移动到初始位置,克服门的密封负载。在门锁达到初始位置后,紧缩执行器必须返回到初始位置。 3.6. 电力释放。门锁能够从初级或次级锁定位置电动释放门锁。通过内部扭簧,执行器在每次电力释放操作后将机械上返回到其初始位置。

ise中Xst:1710 - FF/Latch <mod3/vc_10> (without init value) has a constant value of 0 in block <top>. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.

这个错误信息是关于时序逻辑元件的。它指出了时序逻辑元件 mod3/vc_10 没有初始值,并且在顶层模块中始终保持为 0。这意味着这个时序逻辑元件在优化过程中会被删减掉,因为它没有用处。如果这个时序逻辑元件是有意为之的,应该在设计中为它指定一个初始值,这样它就不会被优化掉了。如果这个时序逻辑元件是不必要的,可以将其从设计中删除,以提高设计的性能和可靠性。

describe in your own words how an SR latch works . Your answer must also include a labelled schematic diagram of your SR latch

An SR latch is a basic digital logic circuit that can store a single bit of information. It is made up of two cross-coupled NAND gates, which are connected in such a way that the output of each gate is connected to the input of the other gate. The circuit has two inputs, S and R, which are used to set and reset the latch, respectively. When S is set to 1, the output of the first NAND gate goes to 0, which is then connected to the input of the second NAND gate. This causes the output of the second NAND gate to go to 1. At this point, the latch has been set and will remain in this state until the R input is activated. When R is set to 1, the output of the second NAND gate goes to 0, which is then connected to the input of the first NAND gate. This causes the output of the first NAND gate to go to 1. At this point, the latch has been reset and will remain in this state until the S input is activated. The circuit diagram of an SR latch is shown below: ``` _____ S ---| | | NAND|--Q Q'---|_____| _____ R ---| | | NAND|--Q' Q ---|_____| ``` In the diagram, Q and Q' represent the complementary outputs of the latch, whereas S and R are the set and reset inputs, respectively. When both S and R are set to 0, the latch is in an undefined state and the outputs can be either 0 or 1 depending on the initial conditions.





LATCH -UP 定义,产生原因,解决方法,天线效应。对芯片模拟设计,IC 版本有较大帮助






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