时间: 2023-07-27 12:24:58 浏览: 136
# 假设模型已经拟合并命名为 model
# 假设变量名为 treatment,取值为 "Zidovudine and Didanosine" 或 "Zidovudine and Zalcitabine"
# 假设变量名为 other_vars,包含所有其他调整因素
# 计算危险比和置信区间
hazard_ratio <- exp(coef(model)[treatment=="Zidovudine and Didanosine"] - coef(model)[treatment=="Zidovudine and Zalcitabine"])
conf_int <- exp(confint(model)[treatment=="Zidovudine and Didanosine",])
# 计算99%置信区间
conf_int_99 <- exp(qnorm(0.995) * sqrt(vcov(model)[treatment=="Zidovudine and Didanosine", treatment=="Zidovudine and Didanosine"]))
# 输出结果
cat("Hazard Ratio: ", hazard_ratio, "\n")
cat("99% Confidence Interval: ", conf_int_99, ", ", conf_int[1], "-", conf_int[2], "\n")
# 结论
if (conf_int[1] > 1 | conf_int[2] < 1) {
cat("Conclusion: The hazard ratio is significantly different from 1, and the treatment has a significant effect on the outcome.")
} else {
cat("Conclusion: The hazard ratio is not significantly different from 1, and the treatment may not have a significant effect on the outcome.")
请注意,上述代码中的模型应该是基于 Cox 比例风险模型(Cox proportional hazards model)或类似的模型进行拟合的。如果您的模型不同,请相应地修改代码。