时间: 2024-05-13 11:17:46 浏览: 301
以下是一个简单的 C++ 代码示例,用于从 edem 中导出颗粒位置信息 ID 号和颗粒坐标,并计算颗粒团的形貌统计数据:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
struct Particle{
int id;
double x, y, z;
int main(){
// Open the edem output file
ifstream infile("edem_output.txt");
// Read the number of particles
int numParticles;
infile >> numParticles;
// Read the particle data
vector<Particle> particles(numParticles);
for(int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++){
infile >> particles[i].id >> particles[i].x >> particles[i].y >> particles[i].z;
// Close the file
// Calculate the center of mass
double cx = 0.0, cy = 0.0, cz = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++){
cx += particles[i].x;
cy += particles[i].y;
cz += particles[i].z;
cx /= numParticles;
cy /= numParticles;
cz /= numParticles;
// Calculate the moments of inertia
double Ixx = 0.0, Iyy = 0.0, Izz = 0.0, Ixy = 0.0, Ixz = 0.0, Iyz = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++){
Ixx += (particles[i].y - cy) * (particles[i].y - cy) + (particles[i].z - cz) * (particles[i].z - cz);
Iyy += (particles[i].x - cx) * (particles[i].x - cx) + (particles[i].z - cz) * (particles[i].z - cz);
Izz += (particles[i].x - cx) * (particles[i].x - cx) + (particles[i].y - cy) * (particles[i].y - cy);
Ixy -= (particles[i].x - cx) * (particles[i].y - cy);
Ixz -= (particles[i].x - cx) * (particles[i].z - cz);
Iyz -= (particles[i].y - cy) * (particles[i].z - cz);
Ixy /= numParticles;
Ixz /= numParticles;
Iyz /= numParticles;
// Calculate the principal moments of inertia
double a = 1.0, b = Ixx + Iyy + Izz, c = Ixx * Iyy + Ixx * Izz + Iyy * Izz - Ixy * Ixy - Ixz * Ixz - Iyz * Iyz;
double delta = b * b - 4.0 * a * c;
double I1 = (-b + sqrt(delta)) / (2.0 * a);
double I2 = (-b - sqrt(delta)) / (2.0 * a);
double I3 = Izz;
// Calculate the radius of gyration
double Rg = sqrt((Ixx + Iyy + Izz) / numParticles);
// Print the results
cout << "Center of mass: (" << cx << ", " << cy << ", " << cz << ")" << endl;
cout << "Principal moments of inertia: " << I1 << ", " << I2 << ", " << I3 << endl;
cout << "Radius of gyration: " << Rg << endl;
return 0;
在这个示例代码中,我们首先从 edem 输出文件中读取颗粒数量和颗粒位置信息,然后计算颗粒团的质心坐标和惯性矩,并使用它们计算颗粒团的形貌统计数据,例如主惯性矩和半径的旋转。这个示例代码只是一个简单的实现,需要根据具体情况进行修改和扩展。